Best smogon team. Just check out the sample teams.

Best smogon team This team did fairly decent on Showdown, it managed to get me 1501 rating within a few hours. - Roaring Moon Balance, Mattie Morgan's Top 16 Dortmund team. This team contains an offensive Mega Medicham and Weavile core (due to there amazing synergy), a Jirachi, a Gliscor, a Volcanion and a Raikou. Therefore, creating a solid team is usually one of, if not the most intimidating part of trying Doubles for the first time, and can put many a player off the Aug 12, 2017 · Hello, I posted this team over on Reddit Stunfisk for a rate but hasn't gotten much feedback, so I wanted to post it over here and get some feedback. Tornadus-Therian is one of the best switch-ins to Serperior, as well as Landorus-I (watch out for Rock Slide though), being able to Hurricane the former May 7, 2013 · Riolu @ Focus Sash Ability: Prankster Level: 1 - Roar - Toxic - Copycat - Protect Finally, my third TROLL pokemon in my team. I've been looking for a faster fire type, and the best mon I came up with was Delphox. Iron Hands is the team's buffer against Flying teams and dedicated specially defensive wall. I’m running Bug Bite because it is the best bug-type move compatible with technician. Clefable also gives the team an answer to threats like M-Medicham who decimated something everytime it came in before. Hence, this team can easily punish the standard fat teams that consist of Mega Lati+Pex+Chansey+Steel. It utilizes several setup sweepers who can take advantage of Rillaboom's Grassy Terrain like Raging Bolt and Hawlucha to break through walls against opposing teams and one special wall/stallbreaker (Heatran). Nov 17, 2019 · Hi, I’m back with a Serperior team! (⌒ ⌒). High powered special attackers like magearna and specs dragapult are also very Oct 31, 2020 · The physical side of the defensive core, Skarmory is able to switch in on nearly all physically offensive threats. Jul 4, 2018 · I am a intermediate level player that wants to ladder well and win tournaments. Aug 25, 2019 · Hi everyone, I am pretty new to Smogon so forgive if I do anything wrong. Disclaimer: I don't know what hidden powers do (except the moves) please explain to Oct 29, 2020 · Pelipper is the rain setter of choice thanks to U-turn and its great defensive utility, while Barraskewda is the best Swift Swim user with its blasting Speed and powerful pivot option in Flip Turn. Volcar 252spa/252spe change to bulky which can check no stone edge zama、skarmory and Corviknight with its bulk and ability. I always liked sticky web teams as It gives slower Pokemon a chance to shine too. In a balance kind of team however, you rather have immediate power and benefit from Dragapult very good special movepool. morning sun Nov 26, 2024 · Hello,everyone! I would like to share with you the team I am using most of the time the last month or so in OU. 6. This is what I came up with: Amoonguss (M) @ Assault Vest Ability: Regenerator Shiny: Yes EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Pollen Puff - Giga Drain - Clear Smog Dec 20, 2022 · Sample team submissions without descriptions will be deleted on the spot. Le site de référence en stratégie Pokémon française. Jul 27, 2020 · The goal of this resource is to showcase good teams that are easy to pick up and use on the ladder. The team should be representative of the Anything Goes metagame. Tapu Fini checks all boxes Finally, I wanted more speed control since HO teams like these don't really wall anything and revenge killing is usually the best defense. when supported by corvilknight with either tailwind or light screen he is ridiculously hard to get rid of, while OHKOing most things that aren't resistant to Jul 18, 2014 · This moveset is courtesy of Smogon. g. Congrats to the winners of the 2024 Smog Awards! Dec 12, 2022 · Hosted by the OU roomstaff team | updated December 23rd 2024 (LOGO COMING SOON PROBABLY) Welcome to the sample teams thread where you can find solid teams to try out the tier and learn the OU metagame with teams proven to be good in Tournaments and Ladder alike. I have made a team and had decent succes with it in tournaments but want some feedback. While Mega Houndoom doesn't have the best movepool, I created a team that I believe accommodates Mega Houndoom the best. To get the importable of the Mar 21, 2020 · I worked very very hard on this team. New teams featured daily/weekly! Want to submit a team for me to use? Do so on this page! Dec 9, 2021 · Smogon used the Serebii minisprites, almost the whole competitive Pokémon world uses the PS! sprites, pretty sure Smogon isn't gonna be ruffled by this. Feb 6, 2016 · Simply play this team by laying down hazards (this is hard vs Xatu teams, then I suggest u just try to wallbreak and spread status with Shiftry and Rotom) and then proceed to sweep with Combusken late game, ezpz! Does this team have any merits? well it did win an nu room tour and it managed to beat Advantage :O best team ever GG. So, I made a Serperior team with contrary! Let me introduce the members of my team: snakey, robot princess, ash-greninja, beee^o^, vulcan, and pexy Aug 29, 2015 · Altaria is Feraligatr's best team-mate. Now, the team! Ribombee @ Focus Sash Ability: Shield Dust EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Sticky Web Aug 15, 2017 · Ability: Grassy Surge EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Megahorn - Horn Leech - Stone Edge - Superpower Majin bulu springs out in glorious fashion in the current metagame, with it's fantastic ability which helps heal grounded team mates with limmited healing options, to it's great typing, and offensive presence, he's come to clear the rnach of pesky water types as well as a few Dec 23, 2018 · You have a really unique team, but it suffers from quite a few weaknesses; notably, Belly Drum Azumarill is very hard to pull off in OU and requires a lot of team support to function properly, and Hydreigon is a subpar method of Speed control in OU. Oct 1, 2024 · Welcome to the sample team thread for Regulation H. Dec 11, 2022 · Ultimately I went a very middling 24-9 to get to master rank with this team, but I attribute that mostly to running into like 6 consecutive Rotom-W teams with a version of the team with Iron Fist Pawmot, and also me just generally getting used to the features of this generation (I am not even mad specs tera water Salamence clapped me, cool to Jan 4, 2023 · mothra (Frosmoth) @ Heavy-Duty Boots Ability: Ice Scales Nature: Modest Tera Type: Ice - Quiver Dance - Substitute - Ice Beam - Giga Drain Mothra: probably the member I'm most unsure of. spdef investment allows it to comfortably switch into modest lo nidoqueen and threaten them out while healing off the damage. Well lets Go ! Gligar (M) @ Eviolite Trait: Hyper Cutter EVs: 252 HP / 40 Def / 216 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Taunt Oct 1, 2024 · Welcome to the sample team thread for Regulation H. If you would like a more comprehensive list of teams, please check out Stalruth's Top Cut Explorer and Brady Expect to face around 100 players in a Challenge Cup team tour until the very best squad rises as the Game Champions!. Please only submit 1 team per post, only the first team of your post will be reviewed and others will be ignored. I have tested this team, in the testing face I tested many different pokemon. If you would like a more comprehensive list of teams, please check out Stalruth's Top Cut Explorer and Brady Jul 2, 2014 · Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules . Nov 26, 2024 · Blissey is the best special wall of all time Tera dark for stored power sweepers Calm Mind to fight off Nasty Plot Gholdengo, and Seismic Toss/Shadow Ball for damage, with Soft Boiled for healing. Dec 19, 2022 · Anyone can submit teams below, and those that excel in the aforementioned criteria will be approved and added to the list. This is a community driven project, so all submissions are appreciated!! Posting Guidelines While not mandatory, please add a (This team is the same as above but with Zygarde over Landorus-Incarnate, as Zygarde abuses too of the Paraspam. The team is based on Paraspam to help Calyrex-Shadow SubSeed fulfilling easier its role. However, here comes a decision on your part. Here is my team! Mar 6, 2024 · Sample Teams: - Glimmora Sun Hyper Offense, Rayan Guezi's Top 8 Utrecht team. This team is focused around putting immense pressure and power onto my opponents. Psyshock is Starmie’s best option against opponents that can tank Starmie’s Scald such as Venusaur, Blissey, and Goodra. It's my first team to make and play with for an extended period of time (over a week), as well as my first posted team. DLC, bans). I believe the team the current top ladder player uses is air balloon ditto stall. This is enabled by the team's excellent hazard control and supporting cast. though I might give him a more support movelist with Tailwind and Mar 30, 2017 · Approved by Acast and Eien / Banner by Moosical Taken over from Tyke Welcome to Monotype Sample Teams, your go-to resource to find Monotype sample teams! The object of this project is to develop a selection of well-built, relevant sample teams for Gen 7 Monotype submitted by experienced Mar 24, 2023 · The team is accompanied by a clear explanation of the roles of each member and how the team should be played. I did a lot of research into what makes a good team, and wanted to use one of my favorite pokemon-lucario. That is why I recommend you change your heatran set to the offensive stallbreaker set. I spent a lot of time working on this project, winning battles, and testing it to get the best possible variation of it (which I hope to make better). View attachment 386206 : I wanted to try a Rock set first, even though this Pokemon can also be used as a Screens setter. If you are submitting a team, please include a description of how the team works, and each member's role. Venusaur and Charizard are both great additions as they are threatening sun abusers, with the former being able to setup and attempt to sweep thanks to the Speed boost granted by Chlorophyll, while the later is an amazing Wallbreaker with Solar Power. . Jun 29, 2011 · Hello Guys, I wanted to post my RU Team because I want more Ò_Ó Its my first Team which i build in RU, now i build much other Teams but this was the strongest. Scald is for burning physical attackers since Hydreigon is not going to take hits very well. Oct 2, 2021 · Hey all, I've been experimenting in teams in nat dex from stall to HO and I found out this sun team that i made was one of the best. Overall I feel really good about this change helping the whole team come together. May 31, 2022 · Since this team was a bit Ground weak, I decided to add Wood Hammer in order to soften up the matchup. After Zamazenta-H was saved from the purgatory of Ubers, I felt now would be a great time to use him in a team with the other likely future S-Tier Pokemon of OU, Kingambit in a Bulky Offence/Balance style. This backbone also provides delayed attacks in Future Sight and Doom Desire which dissuades potential checks to the team wallbreakers in Tomohawk, Clefable, and Tyranitar from coming in for free Mega Swampert in this set is the primary sweeper, Waterfall when placed in rain does a ton of damage with the given EV spread, Earthquake is used to touch most of the other pokemon that Waterfall can't, Ice Punch is to hit pesky dragon or grass types, the latter which swampert is more susceptible to, and Power-Up Punch is an easy way to increase Swamperts damage output when a pokemon is Jan 24, 2024 · Description of Team As the name suggests, it's a Grassy Terrain hyper offense team with Raging Bolt. Dragapult is being used primarily as a revenge killer, not a setup sweeper; that's what Aegislash and Polteageist are used for. Apr 26, 2018 · Pokestar Spirit @ Choice Band Ability: Magic Bounce EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe Brave Nature - Metronome From the Ghost side, Pokestar Spirit is by far the strongest legal ghost type in the format with 100 stats all around, so it's inclusion was a no-brainer. The team should be extensively tested and polished. Take the team you’ve built and use it on your favorite platform—whether it's Pokémon Showdown, Pokémon Brick Bronze, VGC, or others. ) As this is a balanced team, you need to have an all-round team defense. Apr 9, 2020 · Excadrill is the team's star sweeper, its role is to attack at full speed during the sandstorm, Earthquake by STAB for Pokémon like Cinderace, Zeraora and other Excadrill, Iron Head also by STAB for Clefable that abounds in this metagame, Hatterene, Life Orb for more power in exchange for losing some HP, Sword Dance to double its power even more, and Rock Slide to fend off some flying-type Aug 13, 2023 · Nevertheless, my team should be Anti-meta team, so that playing Slowking with Thunder Wave and Slack Off provides me the opportunity after paralyzing to spam Slack Off with the ulterior motive to hope for full para if the opponent makes around 50% damage. - Gholdengo Tailwind, Toler Webb's 1st place Knoxville team. Choice Specs Dragapult is one of the best offensive Pokemon available to Ghost teams, and can take advantage of its speed along with its coverage to put major with in many matchups such as Steel, Water, Flying, Dragon, Grass, and Ground. Please tell me changes and improvements i can make as i've been stuck at 1650. It may seem odd, but actually Nidoking does far better with a Special Attack set than physical because of Sheer Force + Life Orb. May 9, 2021 · You started your team with Torkoal which is clearly the best of the two Sun setters. We will try to actively look over the sample teams and make sure that they stay up-to-date in order to Dec 23, 2022 · Other threats could be Sun teams as well as Sandstorm teams so making sure that Snow prevails as the dominant weather is key. Just check out the sample teams. However, given that this post seems to be totally serious, I would assume OP is a newer player, in which case I advise against using that team, you're going to get wrecked. Apr 17, 2018 · Water-type is the most common type in the game and it shows in its variety of options. Apr 17, 2023 · art by UberSkitty Hi and welcome to the SV PU Sample Teams! This thread's goal is to provide good and easy to use teams for players unfamiliar with the metagame. Even its counters, Grass and Electric have a bad time with it since Water pokémon frequently have acess to Ice moves and some have the Ground typing negating Electric attacks. Nov 17, 2022 · Water Absorb is really clutch in general on Fire teams, bringing hope of victory against Rain teams. Espeon @ Leftovers Ability: Magic Bounce EVs: 252 Spe/ 248 SpA/ 8 Def Timid Nature - Psychic - Psyshock - Shadow Ball - Hidden Power Fire This pokemon combos excellently with the U-Turns on my team, and it's sole purpose is to take out hazard trappers. This list will be updated in accordance with major meta shifts and gameplay developments (e. This Riolu is a very weak pokemon that you must keep it avoids from Traps, statuses, priority move,If the opponent team didn't have any Traps, statuses or priority Pokemon, I'm sure 100% that you're going to win, because when Riolu uses Roar move + Focus Sash from Jun 28, 2020 · Now for this team's tech. Standard DD D-nite set, Earthquake is the best move all around, Ice Spinner for coverage, and Extreme Speed is broken especially after Tera. Oct 28, 2021 · To be clear, Weavile is a very, very good mon, one of the best offensive mons in the meta, and a threat every team needs to have a gameplan for. Flamethrower instead of Fire Blast for the accuracy and help with PP stall. I went through every set carefully did a lot of research, and used resources to build this team such as the viability rankings. Jan 4, 2024 · A basic Fighting offense team consisting of the invaluable defensive core; Great Tusk and Iron Hands. 10 players each one. Nov 5, 2013 · I'm new to playing pokemon competetively, but with the coming of X and Y I wanted to try. Sep 28, 2020 · Of course this is finally paired with a Electric-check and the best hazard remover in the tier in Equilibra cause lol this mon is the best sponge ever. Check out a variety of teams I showcase on YouTube and Twitch. Aug 23, 2023 · Ouroboros (Salamence) @ Leftovers Ability: Intimidate EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Dragon Dance - Dragon Claw - Rock Slide - Earthquake I decided to add Salamence to my team because of the fact that it is one of the many staples in the gen 3 OU metagame. Instead, I would use Assault Vest Tornadus-T . originally I wanted to put him onto the team so I'd have one special attack on my team, though though testing I've found he's kindaeh. Great Tusk provides Stealth Rock and utility support via Knock Off and Rapid Spin, the Electric-type immunity is a help too. Now, I know around here that theme teams are usually frowned upon, but you can't resist the illustrious charm of a team dedicated to the best Pokemon generation ever: Hoenn! Yes, as many players seem to neglect, Hoenn has some of the greatest Pokemon the world has ever seen. Team Dec 30, 2021 · Moreover, the former runs a Sub+Endeavor set while the latter carries Taunt+Rocky Helmet, both of which help keep Chansey low. The reason why I chose mega Sceptile is because Sceptile is pretty underused, and it was my ORAS starter, so I decided I wanted to build a competitive team around it. Dragon Dance: Set up sweeping an entire team Return: Nobody runs an offensive Altaria without Return Earthquake: No heatran pls Jul 12, 2016 · You have Specs Keldeo and Mega Metagross, everything else on your team can really do much damage to a stall team. Feb 15, 2025 · Punch one of my 1-2 physical punch. I heard that Gardevoir's mega stone Mar 9, 2017 · This is my first real SM OU team (made some quick teams just to try the meta). Nippleknee (Medicham-Mega) @ Medichamite Ability: Pure Power Oct 12, 2015 · When adapting a team to counter the metagame, the usage stats is what to refer to, because it lists what is actually being used, regardless of how good the actual Pokémon are, because all that matters when tailoring a team to a metagame is responding to what is going to show up the most number of times, to give the team the best chances for a Feb 5, 2022 · 5. At the end of each week, people vote for the best team, which is inducted into a "Hall of Fame. Mar 10, 2017 · espeon- many people have criticized me for my espeon spread, however i feel that it works the best on my team. As I said before, the extremely common volcarona can take advantage of this team's sun, and its just a deadly pokemon in general. Tournament Description: 16 teams. Congrats to the winners of the 2024 Smog Awards! Jul 12, 2014 · Sample Teams for Starting Ubers Welcome! This thread is an archive of successful XY Ubers teams that players can use to learn the metagame or just to give them new takes on certain teamstyles. This is a collection of teams that new players might find useful for picking up and learning the metagame or using in tournaments. Otherwise ti just takes up a slot without providing too much to the team. Earth Power for Heatran and Poison teams. The reason for this change is pretty obvious, as it would great help your team break down stall. ) This is one of the teams I liked the most building, especially because I really like playing Giratina-Origin. This team is built around a Zygarde x Houndoom core with Volt-Turn and TSpikes. it also helps deal with a lot of stallbreakers that carry taunt+status, such as jellicent. Steam Eruption is the best move to click 90% of the time, it can be very difficult for opponents to switch in. Apr 6, 2013 · Hippowdon Item: Leftovers EV: 156 HP / 252 Def / 100 SpD Nature: Impish Ability: Sandstream Moveset: Earthquake Stealth Rock Whirlwind Slack Off When we talk about sandstorm team, we always use Tyranitar, but why, Tyranitar is not strong enough to keep your sandstorm team alive when it faces some Fighting, Ground and sunny team, but not Hippowdon. Jan 11, 2018 · Even though I really like it I can’t use it when my opponent has a magnezone, and I need room for either Pursuit, Roost, or Defog. Mar 4, 2014 · Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules . It has a Aug 5, 2018 · This helps you keep mons like Rotom-W and Ttar healthier throughout the game helping you last vs more offensive teams. Double dance Magearna rounds out the team as another offensive setup sweeper that can help overlwhelm Heatran. Vous pourrez y trouver et partager des équipes efficaces en combat classé sur des tiers Smogon comme l'OverUsed ou sur console avec le VGC et le BSS. XY Ubers is a fun metagame, but it can hard to build for due to the sheer power of the many threats Nov 20, 2024 · this team is still improving and would add suggestions here are the team members Iron Crown @ Booster Energy Ability: Quark Drive Tera Type: Water EVs: 84 HP / 172 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 20 Atk - Tachyon Cutter - Calm Mind - Volt Switch - Psychic Noise You can say that crown is a Jan 4, 2022 · The best thing for a league situation like you are going to be in is having options and not bringing the same team for risk of being counter teamed. Starmie is the spinner to keep Mamoswine’s rocks on the field. Now let's get to the sets. Divided into 4 groups of 4 teams, where the first 2 teams of each group will go to the quarterfinals. Jan 10, 2020 · Each week, Doubles OU players are challenged to build the best team around a particular Pokemon or theme. Aug 21, 2016 · Hello everyone! This is my 2nd rate my team and I'm excited to show off this Mega Medicham team I recently made. Perhaps the most popular option Dec 31, 2024 · Welcome to the next era of Charizard Y! This Bulky offense team utilizes a max special bulk Yard in order to turn the table on would be checks and trade blow for blow with pretty much every special attacker in the tier, even the electric ones. This isn't a change I'd make and keep right away, but test it out and see what works best for you, as this will remove one setup sweeper from your team but bring the essential Stealth Rock to your team. Nov 4, 2022 · Porygon2 Porygon2 @ Eviolite Ability: Download Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 6 SpD Quiet Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Trick Room - Thunderbolt - Ice Beam - Recover As I said, this little guy it's the one that I usually send out first. Serperior with contrary is Super epic, since it turns all the negative effects of leaf storm into boosts and makes Serperior really strong. Since my last two posts here on February and August of the same year, I am adapting to the meta changes more smoothly, but right now I am more comfortable of making my own teams, and especially, balance teams. (Kinda rhymes if you think about it. Nov 16, 2021 · The idea of this team was to run an Azelf lead HO as I think Azelf will be one of the best leads in this metagame thanks to Taunt with its super good Speed tier and a powerful Explosion. Congrats to the winners of the 2024 Smog Awards! Hello Smogon, once again, here is a VGC 2012 RMT, from yours truly. Dec 22, 2022 · The Team: Meowscarada (M) @ Choice Band Ability: Protean Tera Type: Fairy EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Sucker Punch - U-turn - Play Rough - Flower Trick Like stated Before, this is my favorite mon of the generation and I wanted to have a team where I could have Meowscarada be a strong part of a team. Suggestions-For Cetitan as you suggested you're thinking about defensive Tera instead of offensive especially when it comes to consideration of setting Belly Drum, I think it would be ideal to go to defensive Tera. This should aid players in familiarizing themselves with the current National Dex metagame. We have some Sun staples, like Flutter Mane and Raging Bolt, but I feel a little iffy on Whimsicott. This is an team made around Serperior. It takes care of Feraligatr's weaknesses quite easily, then, hitting hard with it's Pixilate STAB boosted base 102 power Return and Earthquake if Return doesn't work very good. However, I do think that your team could turn out to be really solid with a few changes. Defensive helmet Landorus is able to take hits as well as deal them, providing strong earthquakes, stealth rocks, AND u-turn, and even HP ice to Sep 11, 2016 · Sup, here's my team that I tried basing around mega Sceptile. Seems like a strange pick on paper, but let me explain my reasoning. Thus, the best option here is probably a Choice Specs set. Jun 6, 2024 · Hey guys, PenguGuy1 here, and this is my first RMT team post! I decided to bring one of my favorite teams to the spotlight. Marriland is the best Team Builder for Mar 12, 2025 · as far as I am concerned this is the best stat spread / move pool for lando possible for the team, but regardless lando fills the crucial role of big damage special attacker for the team. May 24, 2022 · What are the best checks/counters to this Pokemon? The best counter to Dracovish, by far, was Seismitoad. Dec 26, 2022 · Chien-Pao @ Focus Sash Ability: Sword of Ruin Tera Type: Dark EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Crunch - Ice Spinner - Sacred Sword - Sucker Punch Chien-Pao is my main attacker which I use to beat many used mons especially on switch ins like Tyranitar Goldengo and Feb 5, 2024 · Please post a brief description along with your submitted sample team that justifies the team members/general structure and a explanation in how players use the team and its general purpose. I've been out of the meta for a while, believe the last time I really played was during the Kanto x Alola. However, S-tier is generally reserved for mons that fit on a wide range of teams and have no real downside to using, and I don't believe that is true of Weavile. " Some really solid teams have emerged from this competition, including some past sample teams! Post-tournament "team dump" threads Jun 13, 2017 · The general goal of this team is to get up stealth rocks, with Landorus, obviously one of the best rock setters, and take advantage of how amazing Landorus works with Magearna on offensive teams. 248 HP gives Skarmory an odd amount of HP while still maximizing it as much as possible, allowing it to minimize damage from Stealth Rocks. Jun 6, 2022 · The team needed a stallbreaker, a special sweeper, and a check to stuff like Urshifu-R, Slowbro, Heatran. Because my team switches a lot rocks/spikes can be annoying, leaning towards defog. If you aren't willing to tell us what the team does, then we won't even consider it for a sample team. Jan 2, 2024 · And now for our next act, it's Corviknight with Defog support! We all know that Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes and Sticky Web *gasp* are problematic if not taken care of. Assault vest snorlax with thick fat. Doubles Sample Teams. Sep 7, 2021 · : Dragon Dance Dragapult is a cool set that can work in Offensive team and becomes deadly with Screens support and a Weakness Policy. In the pre-Home meta, Seismitoad was one of the few Water Absorb Pokemon available, and due to it being on the buklier side and having the sacred pre-Home combo of Stealth Rock, Knock Off, and Toxic, it went from being an NU mon in Gen 7 to Apr 15, 2024 · Untitled 375 (pokepast. Give it a go once or twice, if you feel it clashes with your team idea of screens + sweepers, then definitely go back to what works. I don't think DD is a good choice for Dragapult's niche in this team and would only add another setup sweeper to a team that doesn't really need another one. Teambuilding is a huge part of Doubles, since teams must usually be a lot more structurally sound in order to survive attacks from two opposing Pokémon at a time. - Trick Room Psyspam, Brandon Davis's Top 8 Portland team. Our site has the sprites, but not the 3D and minisprites, and I personally prefer the Smogon sprites. I have a bad habit of using Dragonite too early in games, especially against other Dragonite teams, mainly because of my team's overall weakness to Ground. Aug 5, 2022 · The end result was a team whose best members only varied slightly by version and didn't have too much trouble with any of the major battles during the run. - Farigiraf Tailroom, Nicholas Donnely's 2nd place Charlotte team. Mar 15, 2015 · It does nice damage to balanced teams, to be sure, but so does Zard X. So here we go! Surge (Latios-Mega) @ Latiosite Ability: Levitate Shiny: Yes EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Naive Nature May 17, 2017 · Mega Houndoom recently got released on Showdown. Both iterations of the Unova Dex seem to have a lot of really powerful physical attackers, with the Desert Resort arguably earning its own tier for both games in my honest opinion. Smogon Competitive Movesets & Pokedex - A great website that includes the most common & viable sets for common Pokemon. Ferrothorn is a staple in rain teams and help dealing with Electric types like Tapu Koko and Grass types like Rillaboom. Nov 7, 2022 · Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules . es) Hi friend ur team is too weak the zama and Iron Moth, so i made some change to ur team which would makes u feel comfortable. If you are a RMT thief congrats. This is not meant to be a team dump, we're looking for strictly the best, most well-rounded teams that can be used to at least moderate success by just about anyone. Dragon Dance: Set up sweeping an entire team Return: Nobody runs an offensive Altaria without Return Earthquake: No heatran pls Oct 28, 2021 · To be clear, Weavile is a very, very good mon, one of the best offensive mons in the meta, and a threat every team needs to have a gameplan for. morning sun Jun 18, 2020 · My goal is to make a grass team that is viable because grass is one of the worst offensive and defensive types. Niche builds are less likely to be featured than ones that represent the defining builds of the metagame. Which is why Corviknight is the best choice thanks to its bulk. I like the pokemon that i have in the team now but are open to changes if someone has an good suggestion. 252+ defense EVs allows it to be as physically bulky as possible, and I put the remaining EVs in speed to outspeed opposing un-invested Dec 27, 2016 · Bronzong @ Mental Herb Ability - Levitate Brave Nature 252 HP 152 Def 100 Sp Def 4 Atk-- Trick Room-- Stealth Rock-- Hypnosis-- Gyro Ball Bronzong is the primary setter of Trick Room and Stealth Rock. I would happily take any advice Timid Greninja Leftovers Ability: Protean EVs: 252 SpA 252 Spe Jun 29, 2023 · Hi all! I haven't played OU since Home dropped since new metas with new Pokemon usually intimidate at first. Optimize your team with powerful tools for move coverage, team weaknesses, and Smogon data, including usage stats, common teammates, and proven spreads to ensure you’re ready for any battle. urj vucve jagpx erev gum wqnijf ima ujdxh qqxm fsaxy uton blzw hmotwl pqkgd vmfycdz