Blade and sorcery performance fix. I'm running an RTX 2060, FX 8350 & 16GB of RAM.
Blade and sorcery performance fix Members Online Something that drives me crazy about 1. Apr 11, 2023 · - Better performance(Customizable in book): "Particle Amount Decreased", "This sets particle amounts to 50%, 25% if there are a lot" "Despawn Creature On Kill", "Creature gets despawned X time after getting killed" Click on the "Details" tab and find Bladeandsorcery. patreon. 3. com/schmittoTHANKS FOR WATCHING!!!Check Out My Oth Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based medieval fantasy game developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. Jun 18, 2024 · Unfortunately it is common for PC games to have different performance outcomes on different hardware configurations. So OP, the only solution is to jump to 8. My specs are, CPU: Ryzen 7 3800X GPU 3080, RAM 32 gigs. If you have tried the above methods and are still experiencing problems with Blade & Sorcery, you can attempt to verify the game integrity of Blade & Sorcery. Turn everything to low or off, literally everything including physics 2. Sep 18, 2021 · Instead of your game freezing and lagging out, this mod will smooth your experience when it gets most heated! This mod is a collection of tweaks which should help keep your FPS stable when you have a lot going on. Members Online I’m using blade and sorcery on the quest 2 through oculus link and steam vr and I was wondering if there was a way to improve the performance. So Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based combat sandbox developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. Piepop101's performance mod: https://www. Oct 6, 2021 · Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based medieval fantasy game developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. I have a gtx1080ti, Ryzen 3600x, 16gb ddr4 and also a pretty fast 1tb SSD and I have the same performance as you. Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery: Nomad", physics based combat sandbox developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. Then, go and delete your options file and save (hopefully you are not far into Crystal Hunt). I've spent near a hundred hours playing. Resetting always does the trick. You can still be a mad-god wielding the power to destroy all in your path, or be a lone farmer against a horde of knights! The point is the game is still insanely fun! All you have to do is go into Sep 7, 2022 · Hello, my Blade and sorcery runs on quite low fps around 40-60ish idk. Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based medieval fantasy game developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. Members Online I had a dream about 1. Fixed Audio issues! Here are a few things you can do to fix performance. Revert back to windows 10 1) Go to Settings 2) System 3) Restore 4) Go back to Windows 10 It worked for me, and gladly my smooth performance is back. I'm more likely to believe its all of Meta's updates that make using air link Jun 17, 2024 · Keep in mind that the settings you ran on before (if you were an early access player) won't necessarily have the performance in 1. 0 due to them upping the graphical detail and adding extra effects Oct 3, 2024 · Just switched to Oculus VR mode to increase performance (0 droped frames), but in my case it's always buttons on the Left controller, they just stop working in Oculus VR mode. 3 so it works with Blade and Sorcery again. remove all mods, delete saves at documents/my games/blade and sorcery, see if the lag is still there, if no, mod problem, add em back in slowly, in small groups of 2 or 3 until it starts lagging if lag doesnt go away, turn physics all the way down, and see if that helps, if yes, its a CPU problem, if not, make sure all drivers are updated, make Blade and Sorcery Performance issues Help I’m just wondering if others also have bad performance in this game,I use FPS vr to log and look over my performance and when 3 or more AI are on the map the frame time jumps up drastically,causing a lag and stutter issue. Endorsements. I already disabled V-sync in nvidia control pannel. I launched in Oculus, of course (keep in mind, I've tried launching in Oculus mode before, via Virtual Desktop and SteamVR took it over EVERY time). Jul 22, 2020 · C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\WarpFrog\Blade Sorcery) You will lose your save game and config options, but it is worth trying because from troubleshooting many peoples' performance issues I found that many who still have 8. Most of them will break anyway. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade video games that were its I feel like I haven't been getting the best performance I should be getting with the hardware I'm running Cpu- Intel i9-10900k Gpu- Nvidia 3090 Ram- 128gb 3600mhz Motherboard- msi mpg z490 gaming edge Valve index vr headset I do have many mods installed, but I still feel like I should be getting better performance and better graphics. I'm running an AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, GeForce RTX 3070, 32 Gb ram at 3066 MHZ, and an Oculus Quest 2 connected with a 3rd party usb-c cable. It's a bit like a steam locomotive: It takes a couple seconds to get started, but when you get going, you really get going. Total views. Adjust Blade & Sorcery Graphics Settings. my spec is: Intel i5-10400 RTX 3060 16GB RAM I even turn off Bloom and Post Processing, lowering the ocean quality and texture, and no antialiasing. chevron_right. I do run the game in oculus mode. Game is always in a "slow mo" mode. 0 AI. Nov 6, 2021 · Did You Buy Nomad?JOIN MY DISCORD! https://discord. [DISCLAIMER]: Give your CPU a bit of time to rev up once you start the game. 1. - Reset your VR tracking. Sep 8, 2021 · -Use Performance Overlay: Helps identify where the bottleneck is occurring—game rendering, network communication, video encoding/decoding. This means that it keeps the same priority when you close and re-open the game. As well as making sure all your mod manager mods are uninstalled, you can manually check \steamapps\common\Blade & Sorcery\BladeAndSorcery_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods and make sure that folder is empty. Getting constant lag spikes, and diagnostics in steamVR is showing yellow to orange performance results. Jun 19, 2024 · - find where you installed the game (the default location is: Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Blade & Sorcery) - select EVERYTHING you see in this folder, and hit the "Shift" and "Del(or Delete)" key at the same time, and click "yes" - go to Documents/My Games/Blade and Sorcery/ and delete everything you see The fix I found was to turn it off and do the single pass by modifying OpenVRSettings. Verify Game Integrity. In blade and Sorcery (Citadel especially), I struggle to maintain anything above 40 fps during combat, and on Citadel, I average 25-35 FPS when I am fighting enemies. 0 - U8. This is a great catch-all quick fix and can sometimes be the easiest answer. I fixed it for a day and then it randomly happened again. U8. Members Online Aug 7, 2024 · You can also use the tips in the first part of the video for basically any VR game. Before the patch it was really good. Ensure that you have your Gaming PC hardwired with an ethernet cable directly to a 5ghz router. I have no programs that uses cpu/gpu, no obs started or other programs to boost. Yes, the game CAN run at more than 90hz, but BaS physics is 2x the refresh rate, so 90hz = 180hz physics Sep 23, 2021 · This is for the people who might not know about this yet. -Ethernet Cable Connection: Connecting your PC to the router with an Ethernet cable can significantly reduce latency. When I try to run blade and sorcery I get weird little graphical bugs, screen tearing, and lag. 0, 2 msaa, tried low physics too, etc. If your memory and cpu are real old, its possible they are holding you back too. Steps taken so far: 1. Do you fix the problem or just switched to SteamVR ? These are my personal setting choices that give my game a smooth experience when i play! let me know if these help you! don't forget to hit the like button & Jun 4, 2020 · First off, love this game. Click on it and set the priority to high. 5 render resolution. Members Online Funny Thing is, better hardware wont get you nowhere. Tracking of the left controller is indeed working. Members Online Mar 11, 2022 · Clean Install on SSD, no mods, Quest 1 72 hz fps with Virtual Desktop/Airlink/wired Link, All setting on low, render resolution at 0,5, using either Steam VR or native Oculus Fps Drop to 50 in sandbox mode with 3 enemies constantly. Reinstall game 3. This is what blade and sorcery recommends anyways. The fix is so simple and this thread is almost 2 years old now, I'm racking my brain trying to figure out how and why this issue still has yet to be officially fixed, especially given how much the devs have improved the game in basically every other regard. 3. That being said, U8 has made the game completely unplayable from a performance point. gg/6DGQTRhajSSUPPORT ME ON PATREON! https://www. Members Online To all the nomad players Jun 22, 2024 · If you've noticed your in game framerate is stuck somewhere around 60 to 70 along with bad performance even though your headset is locked to 90 or 120 and you are well over the recc'd specs here's a temp fix I found. Right click on it and find the option "Set CPU priority". Baffling. Alongside that, the game will freeze every few seconds for several seconds, and on some occasions, completely crash the game AND my PC. It's done this to me for years even after upgrading pc parts. That is it! I then clicked "Play" in my Blade and Sorcery library (like I was just sitting at the computer, playing a pancake game), and it gave me the option to launch in Steam mode, or Oculus mode. I have an intel core i7 and a GTX 1660 so i should be able to run the minimum settings Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based combat sandbox developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. Members Online Make sure you have no mods at all. asset in \Blade & Sorcery\BladeAndSorcery_Data\StreamingAssets\SteamVR and setting "StereoRenderingMode:1" to 0 in wordpad (barbaric I know) Apr 10, 2023 · Title. Developer WarpFrog and publisher WarpFrog released Blade & Sorcery on December 11, 2018, promising fans a great gaming experience. However I think the game itself needs massive performance improvements because it's very inconsistent. 4 beta by now, including The Outer Rim (star wars) mod. 2k. I cannot get Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based combat sandbox developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. I just want to know if there is a permanent fix for it Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based combat sandbox developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. Members Online Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based combat sandbox developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. Getting Started. 4 beta literally is the fix for that problem. Blade and Sorcery U12 is riddled with bugs and issues for both PCVR and Nomad. Lower graphical Mar 6, 2020 · Hello! I started today playing blade and sorcery, but it lags so much in many maps, and the frame rate, goes also at 30-40fps also with all graphics setted low. We had a really long and grueling Oculus QA period to try and get the game working at 72fps on the Quest 2 (ie Q2 headset rate) and you would not believe how hard the port was! Interestingly enough I have the same problem since the first patch of U8 that was meant to fix performance issues. Nomad is a standalone sister-title to the PCVR game Blade & Sorcery. But in general, things to check that could be hurting your performance: Mods can cause performance drops (fix by removing mods) The default location for this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Blade & Sorcery\BladeAndSorcery_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods. Sep 20, 2021 · Whenever I play the game, I always have 30 FPS with an insane amount of stuttering when moving around. My specs are an i71075H and an rtx 2060, and I use a quest 2 with a cord. You can still be a mad-god wielding the power to destroy all in your path, or be a lone farmer against a horde of knights! The point is the game is still insanely fun! All you have to do is go into There's several layers you can adjust for performance. Oct 8, 2022 · I removed all my mods, still 18fps. The game is currently Early Access with a full release ballpark of 2024. For some reason when I bump by Oculus, sometimes it makes me lose about 20 frames. Windows 11 is a no-go for me, at the moment. I've been playing Blade & Sorcery for awhile. exe. Now the game's a slideshow after a couple of minutes of playing. Hi Fellas, Me and I bet some of you as well have or had major fps issues with blade and sorcery. i start playing since u9 and i thought it was normal. My living situation 'did' change between then and now but I don't think that'd explain it. Check integrity of files 2. HOW TO GET BETTER PERFORMANCE AND NO LAG. I looked all around the internet because I only had 30–45 fps even tho i have good hardware (RX 6700XT and i5 10400k). 4 beta, and my performance has not increased since 8. Now right click Bladeandsorcery. Here are a few things you can do to fix performance. 5 render scale, very low textures, setting the physics to low, body count set to 1, blood effects off, post processing off. Great! Def have a check of that help thread because I listed every piece of knowledge and trick I have learned over the years of troubleshooting. Most VR Games I have excellent FPS, and stuttering is rarely an issue. In the steamvr overlay lock the games Feb 12, 2020 · Blade and Sorcery Performance issues Help I’m just wondering if others also have bad performance in this game,I use FPS vr to log and look over my performance and when 3 or more AI are on the map the frame time jumps up drastically,causing a lag and stutter issue. It does not remove or reduce any functionality in the base game. i5 9600K. I've always had some sort of performance issue with the game because my rig really isn't impressive at all, but this is the first time it's been to the point where the Mar 29, 2024 · Hey! The pinned help thread links to a good official guide for tips and tricks to help performance. Jan 17, 2021 · OP's issues is 100% because he is on 8. The new beta is planed to release today or tomorrow, would be great if you could gave me a feedback on this. I bought the game yesterday and though the game launches with 90 fps, pretty much as soon as there's more than 2-3 characters spawned, the fps drops massively. 5 render resolution to buttery smooth on 1. To further elaborate, while it is true, its a simple answer. Blade & Sorcery Virtual Desktop/Airlink Performance Guide. Members Online Sep 24, 2023 · Once the driver update is complete, continue to run Blade & Sorcery and see if the problems you experienced earlier persist. Members Online Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based medieval fantasy game developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. It has become my favorite game to come home to after a long day at work. Link to information about AFI. -Remove all mods every once in a while, especially with a large update. Dec 5, 2019 · Enjoy your free performance! This took the game from borderline unplayable on 0. exe again and verify that "Save priority" has a check mark in front of it. Also GPU alone doesn't determine performance although if you have an rtx card its probably fair to assume you have a relatively up to date cpu and memory like a ryzen 5 3600 or a 10-12th gen intel i5 or i7. All i can suggest is to lower all the settings including the resolution of the headset and turn things up 1 at a time to find the culprit once found report it on here or on the blade and sorcery discord. Ive played blade and sorcery on pcvr for some months now with no issues… Hi! Want to play Blade and Sorcery WITHOUT lag? Watch the whole video! I can play Blade and Sorcery max quality while recording/streaming! Yes good hardware Hi all, I recently purchased a Quest 2 as well as B&S (because I love masochism), booted up the game and my fps was kind of low for the laptop I have, it stays around 40 FPS, even with graphics changes (set it all to low) it still stays at 40 I've already tried some common solutions, verifying game files, changes HZ/render resolution, etc etc. And it never comes back. Now I have stutters, tracking issues and a few other issues. Here is the part that is pertinent from the guide: To start: always clear your mods and saves to remove any performance issues caused by mods and modded saves games, which is the cause of the vast majority of performance degrading issues. Worth saying, Nomad is pushing the Quest to the limit with technology, so you should expect further optimizations will follow. I'm running an RTX 2060, FX 8350 & 16GB of RAM. Other VR games seem to run perfectly fine on my computer like No Man's Sky VR and Skyrim VR. I am using a couple of mods, but I removed them for testing and nothing major changed. MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework it's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. So far I have been playing 1v1 only on medium settings, render scale 1. I can only play on Arena with decent fps, but I can only play 1v1 classic. Jun 22, 2024 · If you've noticed your in game framerate is stuck somewhere around 60 to 70 along with bad performance even though your headset is locked to 90 or 120 and you are well over the recc'd specs here's a temp fix I found. Sep 23, 2021 · This is for the people who might not know about this yet. 4 beta, because 8. Video information Sep 24, 2023 · Right-click Blade & Sorcery and hover your mouse to Set Priority then choose High. It ramps in things to try from simplest to more complex, so start at the start like I was saying above for OP, with deleting mods and save, and then if you need more continue down and there are general help tips for graphics settings, and then if Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based combat sandbox developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. 3 at all. No other vr game I own has difficulty running. -Remove all mods every once in a while, especially with a large update. Any more than that and my fps tanks to an unplayable level. Hopefully this helps the devs diagnose what the issue is here. 4 beta. How could I fix this? Mods installed: 49 GPU: 5900xt CPU: Ryzen 9 Edit: Got it up a considerable amount, but still lags to a irritating amount during fights. more fps, WHOOHOHOHO! for everyone that doesn't know what FSR is: FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR for short) is an upscaling technique developed by AMD (similiar to Nvidias DLSS). Jun 18, 2024 · All i can suggest is to lower all the settings including the resolution of the headset and turn things up 1 at a time to find the culprit once found report it on here or on the blade and sorcery discord. I've been seeing a lot of posts about poor wireless performance and wanted to create a guide for the community to use as a resource. So I recently upgraded from a 1070 to a 3080 and my blade and sorcery which would usually be around 90-100 FPS is now capped at 60FPS. This video will show you how to fix every single issue/bug and how to increase game performance. I tried to replace binding files and unfortunatelly nothing worked. Mar 7, 2023 · With U12 on the way promising better memory usage and load times, here is a guide to help out in the meantime. This worked the best for me and my gpu and cpu are similar performance I think, but AMD (5800x and 6600xt) Open VR FSR by fholger got updated to 1. Members Online Jun 7, 2021 · Yeah, another performance post, I know. Since the latest update, I haven't been able to gain anywhere near playable fps; I would guess its around 4fps on average. Hey, I've been playing Blade and Sorcery on the 8. Some anecdotal, some which are verifiable. I'll start with my specs. Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based combat sandbox developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. If this doesn’t fix it I recommend spending 20 bucks and using virtual desktop. 0 last night. Members Online So for some reason for the past like 3 months I started having weird Performance issues only with blade and sorcery, I got a quest 3 running on airlink, rtx 4090 i7 1400kf, 5ghz internet with wifi 6 getting over 1000mb download and upload. I am struggling to play blade and sorcery with a normal framerate (above 60) with Oculus Quest 2 + Cable Link. U7 was the opposite, bad performance at the beginning but it got better with patches. Many mods have been updated to 8. I'm running this on an Oculus (I feel like that's an important detail). On Oculus the default location would be wherever the Oculus game directory is \Blade & Sorcery\BladeAndSorcery_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods. Apr 8, 2023 · I followed that mega thread of all possible problems for performance issues, that being deleting the document save folder, deleting every single mod, deleting nexus, reinstalling the game, checking file integrity in steam, lowering every graphic setting to . Enemies are slow. I can barely move. com/bladeandsorcery/mod Jun 18, 2024 · Alright. Would blood vfx be a problem? Nov 6, 2021 · Blade & Sorcery close Clear game filter; Games. I can handle plenty of other vr games fine, but even turning everything down to the minimum With U12 on the way promising better memory usage and load times, here is a guide to help out in the meantime. Hey all, The Baron from Blade & Sorcery here! Really sorry to any of you guys having a bad frame rate experience. The good news is I moved to another solution for decals in the next beta update, moving from CPU based decals to GPU one. 3 had notorious performance issues that were majorly fixed in 8. 3 performance problems have found relief in deleting this folder. 4070 TI I9 13900k And a former ability to run this game relatively problem free on my quest 2. Members Online My game is capped at 60FPs and i can't find a fix anywhere that works. The game is currently Early Access with a full release ballpark of Q4 2023. Hopefully it will fix the issue with Ryzen processors (but even if not, it should help to improve performance). I can quit and go back to home and it won't be 90 at all. I am getting around 30 - 40fps while in combat in dungeons In this video I'll be showing you how to remove lag from Blade And Sorcery!VR can be really laggy especially in Blade And Sorcery, but this video should help Jan 6, 2021 · Tried playing B&S using the Link cable for the Quest 2 and find it unplayable? Here's your fix. Apart from the recommended methods above, you can also try adjusting the Blade & Sorcery graphics in the settings section of the game. Restart Blade & Sorcery to see if there’s an FPS improvement. I verified the integrity of the files and did a clean reinstall, restarted both my pc and headset, and still always at 18fps. Jul 4, 2023 · What you have to do is type "onedrive" in the "type here to search" on windows then open it, after you do that it will show a list of things, you should then double click "documents" once it opens you will see a lot of files (depending on how many things you have downloaded) you will then go to "search documents and type "BladeAndSorcery") once you get into the file open up "saves" and delete Jul 4, 2023 · What you have to do is type "onedrive" in the "type here to search" on windows then open it, after you do that it will show a list of things, you should then double click "documents" once it opens you will see a lot of files (depending on how many things you have downloaded) you will then go to "search documents and type "BladeAndSorcery") once you get into the file open up "saves" and delete Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based combat sandbox developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. Although technically released, Nomad is still benefitting from receiving game content updates similar to the EA PCVR Early title. Members Online Blade and sorcery is a monumental milestone in virtual reality gaming. (in blade and sorcery, ive heard its helpful in other games) is this true? When I just have one or two enemies and can hold 120fps on Index, it seems fine. I have to play on very low setting and even than my game lags. Members Online Also, it won’t run well at 120hz so make sure your at 90hz. But if it didn't help, check the next section: "I HAVE PERFORMANCE ISSUES AND DELETING MODS AND SAVES DID NOT FIX IT". You can change your headset's resolution settings! Yes it does make the game look a bit worse but it is really the experience that matters. During my hours of playtime I have found a few ways to increase stability and performance. Specs: CPU: Ryzen 7 1700 Gpu: gtx 1060 6gb When the game is runned i have cpu at 20% and gpu at 30% with both at 40-50° of temp, and analysing all cores Hey! For the PCVR game, have a look at this help thread and try the first solution for "MY GENERAL PERFORMANCE IS NOT GOOD" about deleting your old save. If you Sep 24, 2023 · This page will cover the solutions on how to fix Blade & Sorcery crashes on startup, lag, FPS drop, and performance issues that have appeared in the game. For some reason whenever I play blade and sorcery on my Oculus Rift S, and using the mod "The Outer Rim" (frames worse than in The Outer Rim than no mods) I get performance issues after a while, any help? Specs: 3060ti, Intel I5 10600k, 32gb of RAM, and 1tb Samsung 970evo SSD. In the steamvr overlay lock the games May 30, 2019 · I've noticed that some people are having trouble running the game regardless of their specs. I have a 3070RTX, Ryzen 5700x, and 32gb of ram and yet I was still experience stuttering. Members Online In this video I show a neat trick to increase Blade and Sorcery FPS and performance by a TON! This video will make your blade and sorcery game run much faste Official subreddit for the VR game "Blade & Sorcery", a physics based combat sandbox developed by KospY and the Warpfrog team. I HAVE PERFORMANCE ISSUES. Jul 26, 2021 · When I bought the game I almost refunded it due to a terrible framerate. Physics are floaty and slow. nexusmods. Blade & Sorcery is not about Hardware, its about optimization. However after going back to a very old Nvidia driver the performance improved and was passable. hvnjjzggxtpjpvaxzkwufuezafgboqjgdyqwivfpdwjpromagqachrtruubxcpqqpswsunkd