Entj sense of humor However, this does not mean that we do not have a sense of humor like you stated. Inspired, vigorous and optimistic. ” Laughing 5 times in 5 minutes might be the way to go, too! Oct 19, 2017 · When they are with people they trust, ISTJs become much different. 10. So they often avoid upsetting people and will tone themselves down in front of certain company. Guys she's fucking perfect for me. If you’re at a social gathering and there’s an ENTJ present, then they’re most probably the center of attention. I totally get where you're coming from, even though I'm not an ENTP. INTJs can certainly have a dark sense of humor at times, especially if it is tied into sarcasm. ENTJs like to shock and surprise people when they have the chance, particularly around their friends. Feb 3, 2025 · How to Meet Hot Sense of Humor Men; How to Meet Hot Sense of Humor Women; Review: Best Dating Apps for the Sense of Humor Niche; Top 5 Apps to Find Sense of Humor Friends; Why It's So Hard for People to Date With a Sense of Humor in 2024. While some people might prefer a more traditional humor style, others might enjoy something a bit darker or even absurd. Meged and A. There are so many different things that […] Black humor allows them to bridge this gap, finding humor in the incongruities of their values and the world's imperfections. About the dark humor, ye, that's what I like about my INTJ friend too lol. That next part really hits home because we had a similar situation. The General has a rather dark and absurd sense of humor. And as a person who tends to see all kinds of situations from all angles, and fundamentally being rational, you’re able to handle dark material as well as dark humor. We first bonded over politics and the few classes we had together at school. How much value do you place in sense of humor? How much value do you place in making others laugh and having a good laugh yourself? Mar 6, 2025 · Appreciate dry and understated humor; ENTJ - Commander: Bold and Assertive Humor. But not everyone is like that. Things I hate: People getting embarrassed or hurt. That being said, I am picky when it comes to comedies. com Most ENTJs will have a well-developed sense of humor. When we do, ENTJ's as often as not, think we're being serious. I have a sense of humor and can laugh at self and others but his is oh the home less walking down the road he makes some jokes about it’s not very tasteful at times. Humor helps you weather life's ups and downs together. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla While yes, ENTJ and ESFP aren't as different as people make them out to be (due to ENTJ having pretty good Se and ESFP having pretty good Te and them sharing all 4 functions) they're still opposites in dichotomies. He had the backbone to stand up and hold his ground when it was necessary and I respected that. ENTJs are pretty dry and not funny online or by text. Business, Economics, and Finance. ENTJ-T people are more in touch with their feelings than ENTJ-As, which gives them a better sense of self-awareness. The difficulty is that both of us were equally hard headed about the same types of things so if we disagreed on any of those key issues it was extremely strenuous on us both because we didn't While yes, ENTJ and ESFP aren't as different as people make them out to be (due to ENTJ having pretty good Se and ESFP having pretty good Te and them sharing all 4 functions) they're still opposites in dichotomies. ENTJ Jokes. I think my marriage is ideal Good Sense of Humor personality type is ENTP, in fact, ENTJ is a good fit for those who describe themselves as having a good sense of humor (I make this assumption based on the fact that ENTJ is my favorite personality type to create fictional characters from). As we already mentioned, ENTJs have a specific sense of humor. INTJs know how to focus when it is important, but they also are capable of having fun. Even if it may have a dark flavor. They are mostly funny just to you Touche. In typical ENTJ fashion, they want to be able to express themselves regardless. There are so many different things that […] Jan 1, 2018 · When they feel comfortable around someone the ENTJ can let out a dark and playful sense of humor. Whether they like it or not, the ENTJ and the INTP will spend a lot of time debating and while the INTP will try to slow down and broaden the argument, the ENTJ will try to narrow it down, get it over with and determine who was right. I think the order of mistypes is like: Same functions slightly different order Same dom, especially with Se and Ne doms Nov 3, 2017 · When the INTJ is comfortable with someone, they often enjoy sharing their unique sense of humor with them. Humor as a Connection: One notable characteristic of LIEs is their sly sense of humor. Sense of humor: ENTJs have a playful side and enjoy partners who can make them laugh. To put into perspective I consider myself ENTJ, 8w7 . ” their humor is crude and raw, as extroverted sensing provides them with a more literal humor. ENTJ = Sense of humor is bawdy. I'm not saying we're not arrogant as a type in general, or denying that arrogance is a flaw to which we're particularly prone. This article is a celebration of the 16 personality types and their sense of humor! INTJ Memes and Humor. Their aim is to win and they will utilize all resources available to them to achieve that end. Discover Yourself and Others! Comments on: Explained: The ENTJ’s Sense Of Humor. Very mobile, restless and scattered; always hurrying to make use of time. ESTJs are proud and hardworking people, who prefer to get things done. I suspect having a good sense of humour is not a type thing. I love to laugh. This tendency of the ENTJ to get involved in win-lose arguments can be annoying to an INTP. Be prepared for that. As I've gotten older, my sense of humor has become less sarcastic, rude and random. Potential Conflicts in the ENTP and INTJ Relationship Dec 20, 2022 · Thanks to their compassionate attitude and great sense of humor, ENTJ-A personalities are rather charming, which naturally draws people toward them. By joining our free community, you will have access to additional post topics, communicate privately with other members (PM), view blogs, respond to polls, upload content, and access many other special features. Likewise, ENTJs appreciate self-deprecating humor, inside jokes, and irony since these jokes reward their charisma and confidence. ENTJs are very intense people, who are very focused on moving forward in their lives. I'm an ESTJ and I've had an ENTJ friend for ten years now. We got along nicely since both of us have literally the same sense of humor and hobbies. Jan 9, 2025 · A partner who makes you smile, giggle, and laugh heartily can bring deep delight. 2,309 likes, 10 comments - @entj. I think Ricky Gervais is a good example of an entj and he is joking about holocaust, fat people, religion you name it. ENTJ = Greatly enjoys sex and very rarely refuses partner. The 16 Personalities & their sense of humor! ️ #16personalities #16types LIE-Ni: The ENTj Intuitive Subtype Description by V. I love comedy and stand up comedy in particular. He is constantly results focused in his head, but has no problem spending his weekends visiting friends instead of doing schoolwork (he has a lot of online classes), and spending his weeknights with chips and beer. Most importantly, INTJs and ENTPs don’t have to censor themselves around one another, as neither type is prone to taking jokes personally. With exceptions Hate to break it to you, but we ENTJs don't have a sense of humor. Who has time for jokes anyways? Here, I will give you my go-to party joke: Why did the girl fall off the swing? Oct 17, 2015 · The ENFJ has a sense of humor that is often molded to fit their surroundings. I think the problem in both cases is that there’s just a fundamental miscommunication here, the ENTP wants something, the ENTJ asks what they can do to give them that, and the ENTP comes up with solutions that the ENTJ takes way too literally when then another problem is created. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 19 votes and 42 comments My INTJ friend has a hard time understanding context of jokes or double meanings (he often takes their meaning in a literal sense and doesn't understand sarcasm), and he says that a lot of people have a hard time understanding his jokes too. From the look of this thread, I may be a rarity in disliking dark humor. ENTJs have a rather shocking sense of humor, which can sometimes surprise the people around them. Because they are quite similar to me, and think in a similar way I'm able to see where they're coming from and understand them, but unfortunately it's for this reason I tend not to trust them: I'm onto them and I know what they're planning. I love arguing with them and they always make me laugh, but they can be a little petulant sometimes. ESTP: My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best. They enjoy bold, assertive jokes that often have a confrontational edge. INTJ = Views sex as a maintenance chore that is required to maintain the relationship. They have more of a sarcastic and dry sense of humor, which includes a few jokes at their own expense. He’s literally just the shy, socially awkward version of me. Ovcharov. entj female here, i love infps! i think that opposites attract and they balance each other out and help each other grow. However, those people are right about one thing. Apr 24, 2018 · Rating on a scale of 1 to 10 - which type in your view hold the highest rating in terms of a sense of humor. ENTP: my debate buddies. That’s right! You don’t have to create 5 jokes in 5 minutes to be “humorous. He has a teaching for each type and goes into 4 most and 4 least compatible with each. 3. Although they have a funny side to them, the ENTJ’s approach to life is no joke. The ENTPs I know in my own life have probably had the biggest influence on my own sense of humor. I love puns. Side note that I have many ENTJs in my life. I think the order of mistypes is like: Same functions slightly different order Same dom, especially with Se and Ne doms Oct 19, 2016 · ENTJ: Like ENFPs, they have an aggressive humor, but their humor is a lot more about action, stage presence, and vigilance. My best friend is a stereotypical ENTJ in many ways. They enjoy keeping the entertainment going, often finding ways to make everyone laugh. The intuitive subtype is affable, kind and pleasant in dialogue. ISFP: Do your thing and don't care if they like it. i laughed, while our ESTJ/ENTJ friend, whom with we don't usually spend as much time as we spend with each As an ENTJ myself, I can say that we definitely can get jealous from time to time, especially if we feel like someone is paying more attention to someone else than they are to us. But ENTJ's aren't the only ones who do that. ENTJ:Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right. My granny (dad’s mom) was an ENTJ and the most incredible woman whose life and lessons I hold in my heart with the highest regard, one of my best female friends is an ENTJ (who is a kick ass lawyer and wonderful step mother to her new family), and my best romantic relationship was with an ENTJ. It's so base it is actually painful for me to watch. Our sense of humor is usually so dark and highly (the humor can seem to turn a little caustic to outsiders if they catch it). Jan 2, 2020 · ENTJ Humor: Self-Deprecating, Dark & Absurd Humor When it comes to humor not everyone appreciates the same style, and so this can make for a lot of misunderstandings. I would say I have a somewhat weird sense of humor, which can definitely be somewhat edgy at times, and I like messing with people. 1 Reply. Above all else, an ENTJ’s sense of humor is dark – their jokes are not for the faint-hearted. Oct 19, 2016 · ENTJ: Like ENFPs, they have an aggressive humor, but their humor is a lot more about action, stage presence, and vigilance. him and I have been together for a few months now and it’s been really nice. 35K subscribers in the entj community. qualitymemes on Instagram: "ENTJs may be serious and focused, but that doesn't mean they can't have a sense of humor - and these memes prove it. They can be playful, but it is often in a more sarcastic and somewhat sassy way. Nah I love dark humor, but every time I hear dark humor I get this really deep-for-a-girl evil laugh so I don't laugh all the time because then I can't stop 😂 or if it's just really offensive I will just laugh internally so people don't realize how twisted my sense of humor is haha ESTP: usually kind of jerks, but they’re fun once I get the hang of their personality and sense of humor. 30) If he gets so frustrated that he starts ranting, listen. They are comfortable letting their sense of humor show, and can be a tad self-deprecating. They enjoy pushing the limits in order to really shock and surprise people with their humor. You quickly see that it's advantageous and fun. For the INTJ humor can be a great way to express their wit and challenge people a bit. entjs can help infps with their inferior function, Te (extroverted thinking) and vice versa for infps helping entjs with their inferior function, Fi (introverted feeling). A poor sense of humor, on the other hand, can imply a lack of confidence, lower intelligence, and the inability to relate to others. The imagination and sense of humor were up the same alley. ENTJ: I've known a host of ENTJ folks dating back to childhood, mostly women. They aren’t silly people though, and might even be offended by that idea. Patrick Bateman is 3w2 Tyrell Wellick is 3w4 Jack Napier is 3w4 Koba is 8w9 Green Goblin is 8w7 Although John Milton from The Devil's Advocate is an ENTJ 7w8, and actor Antony Starr (the guy who plays Homelander) is ENTJ 7w8 too. This type loves pushing boundaries and testing limits, so offensive and edgy humor is a perfect match for them. ENTJs have a dark and absurd sense of humor. Everyone has a unique brand of humor that is special to them. It's second-degree humor, and healthy self-awareness of your own sense of pride. INTJ = Sulks when ignored in social settings, but resents the attention when they're not. There's nothing necessarily wrong getting a laugh from those things but one comes to realize none are great substitutes for being clever. I find rape jokes and racist jokes to be horribly offensive. The ENTJ has to While some types are natural performers like ESFPs and ENFJs, you’d be surprised at the twistedly delicious dark humor of INTJs. ENTPs and INTJs usually have dry, sarcastic senses of humor, so their interactions are often packed with witty banter. Don't feel obliged to fake-laugh, either. Nov 28, 2021 · A sense of humor is a personality trait that allows people to understand funny things, appreciate jokes, and see the funny side of life in general. We are the most unfunny creatures on this earth. INFJ INFJs often have a very […] - ENTJ: I have a few ENTJ friends, however in general ENTJs are people I prefer to keep at arms length. I was just intrigued with the isfj compatibility since I know a few and there's been instances where they felt steamrolled by me (didn't realize it obviously) but most of the time it's great since (in my experience) they wish they could be so direct without constantly worrying about Dec 20, 2013 · 29) The ENTJ sense of humor is somewhat idiosyncratic. What each of us considers funny and to what degree may vary greatly, but the ability to appreciate comedy, in general, is a sign of a healthy sense of humor. This type enjoys controversial and intelligent banter that tests people’s boundaries. Oh and they gotta be beautiful 🤷♂️🤷♂️, just being honest here. But what strikes me as it could be type relevant is his particular brand of humour: He consistently comes up with hilarious analogies to situations and people’s feelings thoughts and actions, often by employing absurd but precise It has lots of references, and I think ppl won't understand our jokes with my ENTP and INFJ friends, cause, again, you have to have the knowledge to do it😏(like, there was one restaurant, I guess, called "mu mu". OnType - 16 Personality Types | MBTI (@ontypeteam). Commanders are known for their confidence and directness, which extends to their sense of humor. 2. They rarely laugh about other people’s jokes but it doesn’t mean that they don’t find their memes or puns hilarious. I also generally don't like dark humor, or what people call dark humor, because most of the time it simply isn't funny, it's mean. They have a natural inclination towards making jokes and often use humor as a way to connect with others. most of my best friends are infps, and i feel that i Nov 9, 2015 · They enjoy being able to get the job done, but once they have done that the ENTJ is very entertaining to be around. I think ENTJs and ESTJs share a lot of similarities, and to a lot of people would seem to think and act similarly in a lot of ways, but in my own experience ENTJs have less of sense of humor and they tend to take things more personally. On a harsh scale Humor is subjective to different perceptions opinions and experiences ESFP - 6 [To types fond of them - 8 ] ISFP - 4 [To types fond of them - 5 ] ESTJ - 4 [To types fond of them - 7. I understand that it may come off as narcissistic, but that's the whole point, it's to parody/pastiche the sort of self-involvement that was prevalent in nobility, leaders back in the day. Dec 31, 2019 · At times this can be challenging for the types with a darker sense of humor, as they don’t always feel free expressing this without receiving judgement. That being said, it's important to remember that everyone has their own unique sense of humor and way of interacting with others. His parents are divorced ugly one, he doesn’t have a relationship with his sister only sibling. I like dry British humor and crazy anime humor. Here are the different styles of humor that each personality type possesses. They are attracted to individuals who have a good sense of humor and can lighten the mood when necessary. My ENTP friend made a joke out of it:" I guess, it's a korean restaurant". What other type gets roasted for being so absent of emotion? Aug 10, 2021 · Importance of Memes for ENTJs. ENTJs Like Dark Humor. Maybe the sense of humor is just more prominent in an ENTJ than an INTJ because of extroversion versus introversion. I respect those folksthat takes guts. So, much of their humor involves the absurd. Jan 27, 2025 · What Is a Sense of Humor? A sense of humor is an intuitive understanding of what’s funny and not. We just have a different sense of humor I suppose. INTJs really have it hard in the meme world. My main issue lies however in how artificial, disconnected or banal most of your ENTJ jokes are. Similar to other aspects of their life, ENTJs like to push certain boundaries. Sometimes they slip in some dark jokes which could shock others. INTJ = Stubborn as hell. Dec 12, 2016 · ENTJ. Out tertiary function Fe, in conjunction with our primary Ne is a killer combination for humor. They enjoy irony and even appreciate self-deprecating jokes. My first love was an ENTJ, not my first girlfriend, but the first woman where I felt beyond that mere animal sense of infatuation - that easy-to-manipulate hormonal fugue that I then learned was only a part in a larger equation. Dark humor can also be pretty funny. Another critical aspect of INTJ humor is that they appreciate the world’s absurdity. The punnier the better. Feb 27, 2022 · The Sense of Humor that Each Personality Type Possesses We all enjoy a good laugh, but not all of us find the same things funny. She doesn't need me at all, so there's no weird responsibility or feelings of being burdened. I think my marriage is ideal I guess in charm you have to have a sense of showmanship and seize the absurdity of the situation, and really comically display the ''manipulative'' dynamic for all to see, everything pointing towards the fact you might very well be a ''user'' in here only for the help you need. A good sense of humor is often associated with confidence, happiness, and high levels of intelligence. ENTJ = Enjoys attention in social settings. Nothing is funny to us. You either love or hate this personality type and their jokes are partially the reason for that. I've got along with them all. INTP: People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day. In a world where cancel culture is rampant and political correctness is at an all-time high, it can be Yeah, that makes sense but ironically none of the examplary characters have that enneagram. They are generally aware of their flaws and are eager to work on Jul 14, 2020 · This can contribute to their tendency to sometimes cause offense and run roughshod over the sensitivities of others, either out of anger or through their sense of humor. I love things that make me laugh. I'm mostly attracted to Se women. What I liked most about her was her sense of self and independence, her ambition, her confidence. Like Arnold Schwarzeneggers line “ Hasta la vista, baby. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla May 6, 2014 · ENTJ = Stubborn as hell. 😁 Find friends and fall in Apr 2, 2013 · ENTJ = Sense of humor is bawdy. Self-awareness. The ENTJ stereotype makes it seem like ENTJs are robotic dictators. ESTJ. 5/8 ] ISTJ - 3 [To types fond of them Absurd humor that still has a logical throughline. 175 Likes. ESTJ: All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure. qualitymemes on Instagram: "ENTJs may be serious and focused, but that doesn't mean they can't have a sense of humor - and th" entj. There’s little an INTJ loves more than pointing out why something is wrong. We just don't have your sense of humor, and to cast our humor as inferior because it is not to your taste is arrogant. Catharsis: Humor, particularly dark humor, can serve as a cathartic release. They know exactly how certain people will perceive their jokes and who will be offended. Focused on achievement, sometimes dark humor aligns with bullying, possibly stemming from their intense driving energy ( plus, ENTJ Fi is 4th compared to INTJ 3rd function to be Fi + extrovert vs introvert). I have generally been recognized as a funny guy, which apparently isn't a big thing for ENTJs. A good turn of phrase (my own or someone else's) can make my day. ENTP, ENTJ (relatability-factor), and then any personality with Ne in the 1st or second function spot. For those drawn to cheerfulness, a sense of humor can provide meaningful closeness. In the pursuit of their goals, they may sacrifice depth ( I'm comparing with INTJ), akin to shedding weight to speed up a ship. ENTJ. Nov 3, 2007 · ENTP sense of humour We do the 'tongue in cheek' thing on a regular basis. Dec 30, 2019 · INFP Humor: Self-Deprecating, Dark & Absurd Humor When it comes to humor not everyone appreciates the same style, and so this can make for a lot of misunderstandings. I was just intrigued with the isfj compatibility since I know a few and there's been instances where they felt steamrolled by me (didn't realize it obviously) but most of the time it's great since (in my experience) they wish they could be so direct without constantly worrying about 35K subscribers in the entj community. For INFPs, it can be a way to discharge pent-up emotions and anxieties, providing a sense of relief and emotional balance. A person with a good sense of humor might say funny things and see funny things that others might not. ENTJ f dating an INTJ m. ENTJs are hardworking people who enjoy focusing on their future. The wave will likely pass soon. ESTP (in this case its mutual) and ESFP (very hit or miss). It is something that often seems unusually to others, since ENTJs are such hardworking and responsible people, but their humor can veer in an entirely Getting to know :Has layers to their personality, feels at their best serving a purpose in a leadership role feels less like themselves when they are isolated (especially at work) unique sense of humor, hardworking and determine, aren’t afraid to chase after what they want but if their goals aren’t being achieved the way they know how to Nov 3, 2007 · You are currently viewing our forum as a guest, which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. ESFJ: basic people pleasers. Things that are totally random or obtuse are more boring than funny, but absolutely ridiculous things that still totally make sense are hilarious to me. I also have a problem where people think everything I say is humorous even though I'm serious. They love criticizing the world’s irrationality – this trait regularly comes through in their sense of comedy. INTJ = Sense of humor is dry. ENTJs have a dark, playful sense of humor rich with absurdity and sarcasm. LIEs (ENTj) are known for their unique communication style, which reflects their personality traits and preferences. So it's the strangest thing ever that I attract INFJ and ENFJ, both of which think they're going to "fix" me. Nowadays sense humor is more dry than sarcastic, more silly than rude and more absurd than random. I'm blunt, say what I think, I don't care much for social niceties. A fake laugh is generally obvious for what it is. See full list on truity. They possess a developed sense of humor that frequently makes them the soul of the company. Jun 5, 2013 · Advanced Search Cancel Create thread New Forums More New Personally I like to joke a lot but I have 0 boundaries when it comes to it I can and will make jokes about anything. Competence, intelligence, sense of humor, integrity, loyalty and as weird as it sounds a way of speaking. Respect for boundaries: ENTJs value their personal space and independence. He is also the funniest person I have met, ever. I'm ENTJ female in my thirties married to an ISTJ female who is a few years younger. . They do however, know how to have fun and enjoy themselves. The ENTJ has an excellent sense of humor, often using shock value to get everyone to join in on the fun. If we are talking about stereotypical ENTJ leadership I think a sense of humor is key. Tips for Finding The Right Balance of Honesty and Humor Nov 18, 2023 · Similar sense of humor. I don't like things like Scary Movie or Funniest Home Videos. 9. Nov 3, 2007 · You are currently viewing our forum as a guest, which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. I like women who are witty, aren't afraid to tease and have a strong opinion. I will look it up again. ldhhrqbqsrzjabbtkjmmednagcflyvhbuvomiqclevivnmjoqfjlsvyxlnqdtbptmljwqyeoe