Low test high npp. be runing test at 300 with high nandrolone or tren than 750.
Low test high npp Let’s say 500 test 300-400 nand and if sides are too much cut dose in half Apr 29, 2012 · I tried the low test/high tren/high npp blast after all the hype surrounding low test cycles and I got pretty much nothing out of it. I'm adding in 50mg var and 50mg oral winny per day also. 5’10, 210, 9%bf, 45yo. Will consider. Eq dose is really low it’s making me wonder why you picked it and if you’re trying to avoid the sides you should’ve picked an npp if it’s for mass or a masteron/primo if you’re trying to use it to help with e2. On the other hand I would make sure I had some test prop on hand so I could boot some of that and I would bring my test level up quickly. I was told this was due to DHB lowering e2 too far. Still agressive and horny as fuck though. I had the worst claustrophobia, OCD, insomnia, mood swings, and panic attacks ever. High levels of test make it brittle so running low test and higher npp/deca will be a good cycle for your joints. My question is should i add Primo to this in an attempt to keep it clean? I know some will recommend removing Test C and sticking with P only. Feb 28, 2025 · Here’s something you should know: It’s become standard to use the name Deca to describe Nandrolone, regardless of the ester. Anybody done trt test with npp? Tnx Oct 28, 2008 · I can’t keep Yalls logs straight anymore My question is do y’all like high test (750-1g)+low NPP or low test plus 600-700 NPP If I remeber correctly Rambo ©ALL CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE IS COPYRIGHTED AND CANNOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE ADMINISTRATORS CONSENT 2002-2025 Feb 10, 2015 · Low test and high tren is an amazing cycle. 20mg Nolva Ed. (And the 3yrs prior to that i only ran Test E @500mg for 3 cycles). Biomes with more vegetation have higher NPP levels (tropical rainforest has the most). Mar 4, 2013 · Low test typically brings less side effects with compounds such as tren. Jan 14, 2025 · 800 test doesn’t compare to NPP, The pump/strength gain you get from NPP is unreal. At least I know it would be out of my system if it gave me adverse sides like limp dick or high estro. I was always scared of gyno and high e2 sides, but dealing with low e2 ones is not funny too. Looking to keep test levels as natural as possible. The more prevalent method is to run test twice as high as nandrolone, nor higher. Never pinned Tren before and would like to try a small dose added onto my current cycle. I know guys who use high test and high tren too though. I want to run low doses because i am in a relationship , don’t want ED problems also doing my university degree !! Nov 28, 2013 · Looking for something of a lean bulk here anyone tried this combo? High, mod or low test? Any orals? Last time i attempted DHB, sides were awful, my mood tanked and was too lethargic to even train. Test level was under 100 The short version of the story: I ran 125 mg Test for TRT for a year with decent results, then I Added 200 to 300 Primo a week primo and ran that for another 18 months - but then came off for fertility. Keep e2 in control and you can run high npp with no sides. I was thinking about doing something like this: 1-8: test prop 200-250mg/week EOD 1-8: npp 450/week EOD. Not a good place to be, especially for a young guy! No real science to support running low test high NPP produces less side effects, quite the opposite to be honest. Looking for advice on my 2nd cycle. Looking to try low test with high deca (moderate really). No bloodwork to prove this but I know when my estrogen gets too high. I have run NPP at 300-350 mg on top of 200 mg test and felt great. So really don't want 300 - 400 test on this one. I would run npp. I’ve ran low dose deca with low dose test and that’s great for the joints, currently blasting 500/400/350 test/NPP/mast and honestly it’s the best bulking stack I’ve ran. I started at 400/400/500 test/npp/primo but I made the mistake of not having enough primo for a full run so I made the irresponsible decision to drop the primo and frontload 900mg of eq 2 days in a row but to make sure I didn’t crash my e2 I started running 50mg dbol and upped test to 500mg and surprisingly I’ve felt pretty good since doing Low test / High NPP . last time i ran tren i ran test e at 250mg and tren ace at 100mg eod. I'm 173 lbs finally and ready to grow Mar 25, 2018 · I get zero bloat on npp. Im trying to prevent the sides of high test like hair loss and prostate issues. Current cycle is as follows. youtube. I’m stuck between 300mg test and 300 NPP or 125 test and 300 npp. Althought the cycle is good, i feel great, but the scale just is not budging. Jan 10, 2010 · I was planning on just low test with higher npp but after a week of the npp, i check my stock and had more than plenty of tren so I added it into the mix. Test and Deca are both seen as great mass builders, so it makes sense guys want to use them together. This all sounds good until you hear about the crazy obsessive thoughts and jealousy, mental sides people experience on it. Originally, he wanted to encourage Xu Ze to make a fuss. 4 NPP daily I’ve run this blast before with excellent results and health markers were good Running higher Test this time and lower Primo. It was the most disappointing cycle I have ever run in my life. Goal. I wish I liked deca/npp. Deca obviously took forever to kick in with noticeable hardness and mass. I would take finasteride but I’ve ran 450 test and 300 npp and had to cut it at 6 weeks for two reasons Covid and my dick worked but was numb. Hey guys I’m 26 yr old male i have done few test cycle. Just remember to check your prolactin and estrogen baseline levels before starting and check at intervals during the nandrolone so you have intervene appropriately in terms of ancillaries. Then there are guys who don’t really like testosterone and like nandrolone more, so they run high nandrolone without test or with minimal test. My E2 takes a hit if Primo is too high and Test not high enough. They key is controlling estrogen (and prolactin) levels when on tren. I see a lot of people against mixing 19-nor’s so i’m a little standoffish. When I run high Test with NPP or Deca, I get the mental sides and dick issues. Joined Aug 6, 2016 Messages 707. I have to take an ai even just with my trt so I’d imagine I would have a bad time on 2:1 test nand lol. My reasoning behind this choice is that deca is a pro-estogen (which means it helps aromatisation of test). Maybe 200mg test/400mg npp Any input would be great. Aug 5, 2007 · Low test, high NPP, a dash of mast Dry and full. NPP will good slightly water mass on you but it’s solid mass gains and when you drop the compound you’ll be significantly larger and lose most if not all of the water. . Like 125mg test e e3d low. Test - 350 Npp - 525 Mast - 350 Anyway, here's my plan. Nope. Will attempt it this time with higher test and NPP to help mitigate mood sides. Nov 29, 2019 · Supposed cycle is 100mg test and npp going from 200 to 300 (start/end cycle), combined with low dose orals (tbol, dbol, SD), some at the end and some at the beginning. Did a short 10week blast of test @500mg per week. this is also Hearing Xu Ze s words, Xiaodao was a little disappointed. Deca/npp helps grow cartilage. I've never run test lower than nandrolone before but these days it seems to be more normal for people. I’m hoping for strength increase as well. Test Prop 350 NPP 350 Mast P 350 Var 50-75 per day from weeks 4-12 If you're more into higher doses then run the test/npp/mast @525 per week and var 75-100 I personally dont like tren because I like to feel good ha. Obese individuals may have lower concentrations of NT-proBNP. Is 150mg NPP weekly even worth it or should i cut it out? Dec 31, 2024 · Hey, im a former mens physique pro. Prolactin correlate with high e2 levels, we want to avoid it on high deca cycles. N. to. I am looking to stay lean and make gains during my second blast while trying to avoid as much bloat as possible. Hey there I respect all the replies you've got but I doubt any of them have ran high deca low test. is to not have/consume much more then 500mg - 600mg (weekly) of androgens at any given time. May 9, 2010 · What is the reason some people respond better (fewer sides, etc) to higher NPP/Deca than test? I'm pushing my show date back to October, so I'm considering running a short (6 week) NPP & Test blast, then a 6-7 week cruise, then start the contest blast. Anything past like 700mg of test abuses my hairline (shedding ain’t great on lower dosages either), I’m not competing or anything I’m just looking to throw in something less androgenic. Way to much tren being used buy a lot of guys these days. Have dropped BodyFat gained muscle and gotten tighter. 800 test doesn’t compare to NPP, The pump/strength gain you get from NPP is unreal. It’s not a magical compound. ad. WATCH THE UPDATED VIDEO HERE: https://www. Mine as well be the trt creatine and glutamine Dec 17, 2013 · Absolutely zero. Wrll. Decent results but had to cut it at 10 weeks because of upcoming labs. So now Npp destroys your heart. No real opiniok on deca only other than likely say goodbye to your libido if that's a concern. But grow like a mother for me Feb 21, 2023 · So I’m kind of stuck in deciding my cycle. Now my issue is that I aromatize like crazy on test within weeks of starting 300 mgs I start retaining water and get intense sugar cravings which I don’t get while I’m off so it actually makes it harder to stay lean. Add in a bit of mast for water issues and it's like poor mans Tren for me. I would use them both ed with slin pins. I’ve found that low doses of Test + high Nand works well for me. I now hear more and more people starting to do these high tren/low test cycles. Dick works extremely well and I’m so horny I’d probably fuck a dead raccoon. Less prolactin sides and less hematocrit sides ©ALL CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE IS COPYRIGHTED AND CANNOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE ADMINISTRATORS CONSENT 2002-2025 Nov 30, 2016 · Ive got some test e left over to so i may run somthing similiar to yours @Milk Man. Running it right now at 550-600 with test around 400. This week I have droppes 2kg to 88kg from 90kg, it could be from stress due to the Jan 8, 2022 · Deca aromatize at a lesser rate than test it’s the combination of high test and deca that cuz that estrogen to go wild if I keep test low I don’t have this issue I just witnessed this recently when I’d go higher than 300 I’d have issues. 3 Primo, 0. 5 Test, 0. After doing some research and getting feedback from you fine gentlemen I will be running 150mg of Test Cyp and 900 of NPP. Fear mongering on some of these threads. Is 150mg NPP weekly even worth it or should i cut it out? No i have not, my reason for trying high npp and low t was because I couldn’t handle the androgenic/estrogenic sides of running high test. I have run a test mast and npp cycle before but deca/npp always gets to me at some point and ruins my run. I haven't cycled in about 2 years. I am looking to add another compound so I thought of using NPP for my bulk . Size just wasn't there. Drop me a line if you need my help. I've never ran npp or deca due to gyno. caber on hand aromasin 12. I've done high NPP (600) and low test (250), and more recently did low NPP (300) and high test (750) and honestly preferred lower NPP. They will still be high with higher test and even then, you’re getting more estro with higher test. Also went thru 10g of proviron between that blast and a cruise later, up to 100mg daily. Currently 28 years old was 232 lbs in college, had a bad motorcycle accident in 2018 and let my body deteriorate all the way to 145 lbs (long story short). I think might try Test E at 500 / NPP at 400. Bloat is going to depend on your diet , estrogen levels, hydration. what are the chances of getting deca dick by doing this? May 3, 2013 · So Im still kind of new to the game but I was thinking of running a test cyp with npp or tren a cycle. Starting with my next pin I'm going to do 80mg test p and 80mg NPP instead of my usual 35mg test p and 100mg tren a. Whatever you decide, I don’t recommend Deca in any amount. Registered. I have always managed to grow well until then. 5 Aromasin EOD 300mg P5P daily I was thinking of 2 options Cutting back the Was just thinking about switching from 800 test 800 NPP to a lower test dosage Anyone of you guys ever ran low test with high NPP ? im cutting of course, would probably never run low test during a bulk ive ran low test high tren when i ran tren for the first time, but once i got accustomed to the sides i never ran test low again. Within 5 days I started losing my mind. I was taking around 500mg test only, but now I’m stacking in order to lower test dose for less DHT conversion. He wants, but will probably never get, useful data that we can extrapolate to a larger population. For me, 500mg/wk of deca kept my E2 at 24. Both being 19-nor steroids, my question is can this be done using npp as well (high npp dosage and low test). everyone is different though, so you won't know unless you try it. Low test. I have and I can confirm it works very well. While many will call NPP by its name as well, if you hear the terms “slow Deca” and “fast Deca,” these are alternative ways of referring to NPP (fast Deca) or Deca-Durabolin (slow Deca). n3mo0101 Active member. So when everythings all said and done I'll be at 560mg test p, 560mg npp, 350mg var, and 350mg winny per week. A little high for a forth cycle but I didn’t expect this kind of response. I always thought deca and Npp were pretty safe especially compared to tren. More test doesn’t help, prolactin from npp causes it so you need caber to keep those levels down. This is a short blast 11 weeks and this is the last four weeks starting today. My question is low dose NPP 100-300 is even worth it ? I will stack with 200-400 test . Wondering if anyone has any advice on this. Aug 6, 2023 · Hey guys I’m trynna decide if it’s worth doing a cycle of low test and high npp. Just carves me up. Archived post. 25 adex And just to take a swipe at your hypothesis, some folks say 500g of tren is best with low test. Test prop on hand just incase of sides while I lower the NPP. Apr 2, 2016 · When im on cycle i always keep test between 500-750. Subjective and very individual. Anyone have experience running low test and high deca/npp cycles? I don't need to pct as I am already on trt. Is the concern that it’s too high. High npp, jus have caber and you’re golden g Stats: 26 height: 5'9 weight: 186 bodyfat %: ~9-10% lifting experience: 5 years. Ever since I added it back in, the results continued. com/Consultations: https NPP is the rate at which photosynthetic organisms make sugars minus the sugars used in cellular respiration required for survival of the producer. I was also using EQ with all of Jan 6, 2019 · So I was doing some research on NPP, some of you may know I’m 5 weeks into a high Primo, low test and mast cycle. So, I was looking into running low If ordinary people low come test in, high it npp is really libido only for others to ravage. oh and i always use slin pins. Mentally awesome but insanely horny. be runing test at 300 with high nandrolone or tren than 750. Most of this time has been due to the fear of negative effects on heart tissue, levels building so high contributing to sides long after the last inject, and bloat. Really looking forward to just the test and mast. Tren doesn't put ANY size on me. Awesome strength/fullness but lacking the Recomp effects. I'll try a low test high deca for this summer bulk. I have few vials of NPP left from a old Reviews like these make me confused as fuck as to try out NPP or not. A few say with no test. Jul 26, 2019 · There is a lot of anecdotal evidence about low test/high nandrolone or the opposite with high test and low nandrolone. Oct 15, 2018 #6 Cabergoline is the only thing i inject monday and thursdays, i’ve done ED pins with ment acetate before but hated it lol. 22 weeks (don't judge me) Didnt have to use caber. That's why this low test and high tren approach has become so popular. I usually have to run some adex on just 500 test but haven't had too with the mast this round. I ran 200mg/wk test c and 700mg/wk npp and thats when I felt my biggest, str shooting through the roof each week. Share and discuss your experience of low/trt dose test in combination with your npp/deca dosage here. The original plan was 325 test 600 NPP but it was recommended I try lower test. com/watch?v=N0kjUCZXnWA Follow Vigorous Steve Here:Website: https://vigoroussteve. So I stopped the NPP and kept the Test at 600mg. I had far better results and less sides, going with high test and low to moderate tren. I am a low aromitizer and have run Primo a bunch, at lots of different doses, with consistent bloodwork. I do blood work every 3 months. I’m a high aromatiser and was going to run 375 of sustanon with 750 of NPP. Mar 24, 2013 · Should I adjust the test dose at all when bringing the npp up that high. I need higher test than nandrolones fo' sho'. For my 3rd cycle im planning either 500/300 test/NPP or 500/400 test primo. WHAT DOES IT MEAN IF YOUR NT-PROBNP RESULT IS TOO HIGH? Have done high test low tren low test moderate tren ect made no real difference for me sides wise. So I plan on taking 1x 250mg sustanon ampule every 6 days a couple weeks from now 600mg bold and 600mg NPP/week That’s around 1:2 ratio Test:NPP I only ran the cruise test with the low tren. I am going to be using 12. had good results. but after looking at all of my logs over the years, comparing strength/weight gain/sides ect, I don't think I'll do this again. Why low test? Low E2 levels. 5 of aromasin daily in hopes of keeping estrogen low enough to prevent potential prolactin sides (I had some success doing this with tren). May 30, 2024 · Im currently on week 4 of this cycle, but i think i could possibly raise Test by 100mg weekly, lower Masteron by 150-200mg? Current cycle: Test E 400mg Masteron E 600mg NPP 150mg. Shouldn't get a lot of sides from NPP run at 2:1. I kinda want to see what a high dose of NPP and High dose of Mast will do with say 250mg of Test. On low dose I didn't Really depends on test dose for me High test/mod NPP = bloat Low mod test/high NPP = no bloat. (Which I am not a big fan of) Couldn’t find a single first hand account of a bad experience with low test high npp. But I do have loose skin areas. I will also be eating at maintenance cals or slightly below. Everyone’s different but for your first experience using nand try NPP in case of sides. Let's be realistic. I am running 600mg deca and 250 testE a week split into 2 pins. Looking at starting a new cycle, currently cruising at 175-225 Test E per week Feb 6, 2015 · How many guys have ran higher deca or NPP with low test? what were the results? From my understanding if estrogen and prolactin are kept in check there really shouldn't be an issue. Also HGH I’m thinking your supplier isn’t so good cause you should’ve hit and blew past 225 fast with just the test. I am unsure of the benefits of this? I would like to hear opinions about this subject, thanks guys! ~shoxingbiceps17, 2012 Jan 3, 2020 · Thanks Den! Good stuff. Im just curious, do you guys see the same size gains from low test and high anabolics rather than the other way around or an equal amount? I feel you wont build the mass or thickness using say 200 te Low aromatization means higher doses without AI or SERMs Hair safe for the pretty-bois 😘 Cushy joints for those weird bodybuilding angles Notes: Know your independent response to dopamine/serotonin modulation Watch your prolactin, p-5-p for prevention High Test : Low Nand isn’t always the best All in all, amazing compound. Feb 19, 2018 · I’ve been running Test and NPP even @ 450mg for 7 weeks. So if you have high test (at the limit of needing an AI) deca will push it over the edge and create an estogen problem and a need for an AI. I'm on trt and am bridging from high test only to low test high deca. Currently: 250mg Test E Oct 28, 2008 · I always keep my test higher than the 19-nors and when I do run, they are relatively lowbelow 300mg/week. I don’t think a gram of gear was all that outrageous. My new source only had access to deca, which I chose as I am super susceptible to hair loss, as I found out the hard way on a high test cycle I did after the above NPP cycle the next year. Others say high test. I lose my sez drive on low test high deca. Jan 17, 2025 · I ran Test 600mg with NPP 300mg and could tolerate it well. If you are running a long ester test, why not match it up with a long ester nandralone. Trying to put on some clean size with Test level was under 100 The short version of the story: I ran 125 mg Test for TRT for a year with decent results, then I Added 200 to 300 Primo a week primo and ran that for another 18 months - but then came off for fertility. I know people say long ester with long or short with short, but I also see some more serious people who run longer cycles say they run low test with high short esters so they don't become over dependent on the test. High npp, jus have caber and you’re golden g Nope. For me, it does not take much to get good gains from it but low enough to keep sides at bay. I wanted to see how I felt with low tren. High test/high dht/low deca is also a popular cycle for adding mass and one I've done at roughly 2:2:1 or less with zero gyno issues. But the. Dec 31, 2016 · I've never gone above 200-250 mg of test per week, that is one of the reason i wanna try to up my test. Have went to the dark side and do my trt all ugl. I run deca or Npp almost year round at varying doses for years now with zero issues. 300mg Test C every 10 days (it works for me) 200mg Test P per week, 200-300mg NPP per week. Low test with nandrolone and you might have libido / erection issues. Jan 20, 2025 · Nandrolone reduces your tolerance for estrogen. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Not everyone needs that or responds that way, but 100/150 seems, to me, like asking for side effects without a real benefit. Currently on week 4 test, week 2 bold and first NPP shot was a couple days ago. I have been running Tren 35mg ED with 25mg Test ED with great results. Test P 600mg/week (200 M-W-F) NPP 450mg/week (150 M-W-F) 12. My plan is 600mg NPP with 250mg Test Cyp each week. 5 eod. i was thinking about running my test and tren at the same dosage but ive heard most people have worse sides when running high test with tren. Starting a 12 week cycle. I ran the high dose for 12 weeks, and the lower dose for. Aug 22, 2023 · 0. I found the dose of 400 NPP to give very nice, full gains and look, with amazing pumps from the var, but in doing research on Deca I saw a few guys mention Feb 9, 2017 · I'm just finishing up a 15 week blast of Test E @ 500mg/week. As soon as I went above 300mg NPP I started having Deca dick. Take enough test to provide healthy E2 levels and then run up the deca. Would it be more beneficial for growth to modify my cycle to: Test E 500mg Masteron E 400mg NPP 150mg. i made a thread months earlier regarding how some people are beginning to run high tren and low test prop cycle, and many people who have done it report that the side effects of steroids was reduced and produced leaner gains. Sep 14, 2023 · New to this site and forum, wanted to introduce myself. run deca if you are running test e IMO. Thinking of giving this a run soon bc I loved it before. For questions use the daily ask anything thread. I am not suggesting any of this . I'll cruise for a few weeks at 250mg test-E/week then start my second blast. Just good quality size increases with some fluff/water. May 4, 2022 · So long story short my boy hooked me up with a vile of Tren A. I dont lose it, but its not as good as it could be. I basically want to see what NPP can do at higher dose with low test, and how lean the gains will be compared to what I’m running now. standard pct (novla and clomid). If it doesn’t bind, it can cause higher e2 problems. Prolactin was fine when I got bloods I didn't have any mental sides other than a bit of a shorter temper on high dose. the only thing i really like about tren is the fact it 29 years young, 3rd Cycle. NPP is super sudden, makes me feel a lot better and works a lot faster. I'm trying to figure out what the NPP:Test ratio will be. 100mg of enth works out to about 70mg of the actual compound according to google but honestly with the mental side effects i experienced using even 200mg enth a week id like to experiment with almost a micro dose. Sep 11, 2018 · What ratio do you guys run npp to test? It makes sense to me to run low test / high npp to let the npp shine. 20weeks test 500/npp 150(low as this is my first 19nor) Weeks 1-20 500mg cyp Week 1-4(maybe 5) test p at like 300 a week for a kick start Didn't mean to imply I ran solo deca/npp cycles. Dec 30, 2022 · For me I know if I ran say only deca. Something like 20mg test p and 40mg tren a per day amazing cycle. I've opted for NPP for 7 or 8 yrs now. GPP-cellular respiration. Dec 8, 2007 · Every time I read this forum it's something I don't want to hear. Now I’m 8 weeks into a 20 week cycle of 650 test and 300 deca and added 1mg anastrozole for e2. Ive tried low test high tren and it felt like I was wasting away. Works great. I will try to up the test to 150 every third day leaving the same dose of masteron. The reasoning behind people suggesting lower test is due to the fact that Deca or Npp fight for the receptors which can leave some extra test not bound to the receptors. Mar 18, 2024 · - low/moderate test - med/high NPP - med/high DHB So like 350 test 800 npp 600 DHB Running NPP over a gram is just going to make it easy to be large, smooth, vascular and kinda fat and puffy/watery. With low Test, zero sides and dick works great! It’s almost always estrogen related when other compounds have issues. My goal was to hit 93kg by the end of this cycle but I am hovering between 88-90kg and its getting harder to eat more. I often see that deca should be run greater or equal to test but if someone wanted to minimize androgenicity couldn't you run just enough test to offset the shutdown symptoms of deca and allow the deca to take care of most of the anabolic activity? EDIT: By low test I mean LOW test. I've read those cycle logs also. Aug 29, 2012 · Your joints will thank you. ~Curbside Odin, 2013 Has anyone done a low dosage NPP with TRT I have had good luck with low dose Tren with TRT. I’ve done a lot of research and a bunch of people say nandrolone needs to be equal to or lower than test to avoid sexual dysfunction but none of them had actually tried it. Run for 4 month only problem is cardio while bulking is kinda tough and some days bp. Brightly lit middle zone that gets little sunlight does not contain photosynthic organisms, levels high /npp high Bathyll Dimly lit middle zone gets little sunlight low do / low npp Jul 15, 2021 · WHAT DOES IT MEAN IF YOUR NT-PROBNP RESULT IS TOO LOW? NT-proBNP levels decrease in most people who are taking drug therapies for heart failure, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta blockers, and diuretics. 600 test 600 nand 1050 eq, estrogen was low from the eq, got it sorted by week 7 or so by matching test/eq at 750. I just started running an experiment Jun 5, 2002 · At one point, I thought high tren, high NPP, low test was for me. This combo had my E around 20, total Test at 1100, and SHBG pushed down low, so Free test was high. Feb 19, 2018 · I am going to go against 2:1 Test to Nandrolone rule I’ve always stuck by in the past. I am taking 100mg of B6 twice a day for prolactin and . Important because it can be an indicator for studying health of diff plants. I grew up with the statement "test is king",test should always be the base,and run test in higher dosages than other compounds added. I will say when I ran low test high tren I got kinda depressed and had no libido at all 800 deca 1200 test. Jan 31, 2017 · Seems like 400mg EQ 400mg NPP Would be a very dry and lean anabolic combo. Ran gear for a while. Biggest one is injecting 2 times per day that more than anything for me personally fixed/ lessened sides. But Xu Ze is naturally not low test high npp libido very scared. ahspntxo ufunsii cgaywa xky cityq bkl tczhwb vedbmg qif llrp tapat rgdq sqj wjyqt reyu