Moon clips vs speedloaders. I like the speedloaders.

Moon clips vs speedloaders Holding a cylinder-full six rounds of . The TK Custom moon clip loader is extremely intuitive. 30. I'd be interested to see how a six shot 9mm moon clip compares to the six shot . The moon clip holds these rimless cartridges against the breechface and allows the firing pin to strike the primer, not to mention preventing the cartridge from simply sliding down the barrel and out of the gun. Sep 8, 2024 · Compilation thread - Moon Clips vs. Speed Loaders vs. You can affordably load up an entire range trip into moon clips and your brass is 1/8th the effort to collect. Holds Most Five, Six, and Seven-Shot Speedloaders ; Each Pouch is 2" x 2" x 2. This is the way to go. Additionally, our loading tool is crafted out of anodized aluminum, World Class moon clips and S&W revolver accessories from TK CUSTOM™, an OEM supplier to S&W and ShopRuger, specializing in products for the competition shooter and sportsman. I looked at my local gun store and Cabelas with no luck. Sep 19, 2014 · Spiff I had some Safariland speed loaders that came with my S&W M-66 when I got it about 7-8 years ago I find the Safariland speed loaders a pain in the A--! My HKS work much better infact if I had 5 round Safariland speed loaders that would fit a SP101 you could have them! Oct 19, 2019 · TK is a nice clip, but I think you are not getting a $5 added value with the difference in price. 357 Moon Clip loading tool is the perfect choice for those who want to make loading their moon clips easier than ever. 38s. Like speed loaders, full moon clips allow the user to instantly reload the entire cylinder. They are made of a thin metal strip with a series of holes that line up with the chambers in the revolver cylinder. Also, the occasional thread/posts about pouches/holders. I have seen him beat bottom feeders many times. com/inrangetv May 17, 2017 · If you distort the moon clips . Enjoy. GG Our Universal Taurus 905 9mm Moon Clip loading tool is the perfect choice for those who want to make loading their moon clips easier than ever. It also compares the use of moon clips with a speed loader. 45 ACP. it goes down to $2 if you buy a 100. $21. 357 guns (if you can even get the clips) is that not all . Today, I’m looking at the more universal loading devices; speed loaders and speed strips. I have found that the Safariland worked better with full wadcutters, and both the Safariland and HKS speedloaders worked well with any cartridge which had a nose on the bullet. Jul 5, 2022 · Moon clips allow you to shoot rimless cartridges, like 9mm, 45 ACP, 10mm, etc. In some designs the clip also properly headspaces the rounds. ” There is simply no comparison, none. From a practical point modifying a CCW for moon clips doesn't make much sense. Speed strips have the advantage of working on more guns since they don't have to be made for a specific round configuration, but are the slowest of the 3. I would trust them in competition or with my life. 45 ACP ammunition. Speed Loaders Sep 11, 2008 · Some of the "go faster" tactical shooters have also modified their 38/357 DA gaming revolvers for moon clips. com/2020/04/25/bmt-mooner-j38-5-moon-clip-l Upgrade your revolver with . com : TK Custom Moon Clip Loader - Premium S&W 686 7-Shot . Speed-loaders - require you drop in the rounds, and then unseat the lock mechanism by twisting. ZETA6 | K-CLIP Speedloader S&W K-Frame | Package Mar 25, 2015 · Moon clip revolvers are probably the quickest, but they only work in revolvers specifically designed to use them which are most often those that fire rimless semi-auto cartridges like 9mm and . 357 MoonClip Loader and Moon Clip Unloading Tool Bundle | Easy Revolver Moon Clip Loader and Unloader Tools | Made in USA : Sports & Outdoors --SOLD--: For a J frame: New Galco speed loader pouch and 2 HKS speed loaders: mini14jac: Accessories/Misc - For Sale or Trade: 0: 07-25-2017 04:14 PM: Compilation thread - Moon Clips vs. Speed Beez 45ACP moon clips for Colt and Smith & Wesson Revolvers ONLY. No bent moon clips. Learn what revolver moon clips are and how they work. Speedloaders in revolver reloading. 020 thick durable stainless steel that can fire thousands of rounds before replacement. com Jun 14, 2021 · Yes, moon clips are faster for reloading but that's about where the positive attributes stop. With the built in leverage your rounds are loaded into moon clips with ease. See full list on speedbeez. 357 magnum, and . Is this true? If not, can someone point me to where I can find them. Speed Beez are $3. Comp-Tac. Kosh75287 Speed Loaders vs Moon Clips. It's lo-fi, but moon clips and speedloaders -- for me -- just don't conceal well or come to action quickly on a belt carry system; a dedicated pocket works better. Mar 29, 2018 · Watch Jerry Miculek throw moon clips into a 625 and tell me speed loaders are just as good. The other arm is used to press cartridges into the moon clip. 357 magnum; eight shot. 41, or . Dec 18, 2009 · As a general matter, speed loaders are for traditional rimmed revolver cartridges, such as . RUGER AND OTHER BMT MOONER MODELS: R-LCR9 - $105/ea. The Pocket Moon Clip Tool. Taurus. Moon clips are a type of speed loader that allows you to quickly reload a revolver. you run the risk of the gun jamming as you are firing - and its difficult to clear a stuck moon clip I have given up on the moon clips in the 627's, etc. You can load a moon clip with cartridges, then insert it into the revolver and spin the cylinder to chamber the rounds. ) Nov 20, 2016 · SUPERB FITMENT - This Taurus 905 moon clip is perfectly aligned, holding your rounds securely and deploying them precisely. 44 Magnum rounds. Extra Mandrels For Different Moon Clips; Moon Clip Unloading Tools; Taurus Tracker 692 9mm Moon Clips Speed Loaders vs Moon Clips. Moon clips can make a revolver reload just as fast as a magazine fed gun if you know how to use them. Aug 2, 2019 · I just bought this 5-round 640 EDC revolver and will shoot only . Moon clips have a slightly smaller diameter than that of a speedloader, but putting them in a pouch on your belt still reduces your overall concealment. The cylinder is clearanced for the moon clip, as far as I know if the weapon was not made/modified to use moons they will not work. Jump to Latest Follow 21 - 27 of 27 Posts. Since those rounds lack a rim, the extractor star needs the clip to eject the spent rounds. It's also Sleeker and less bulky than traditional speed loaders. I like the Safariland Comp3's for competition (when I was doing that), Comp2's for carry. Sep 19, 2014 · Spiff I had some Safariland speed loaders that came with my S&W M-66 when I got it about 7-8 years ago I find the Safariland speed loaders a pain in the A--! My HKS work much better infact if I had 5 round Safariland speed loaders that would fit a SP101 you could have them! The original steel full moon clip are still the Best Smith & Wesson 45ACP Moon Clips and their affordable load up get them while they are temporarily in stock. Jul 27, 2018 · This video explains why a speed loader is critical when carrying a revolver for self-defense. 357 brass even has a groove ahead of the rim - which is needed for monn clip use. It is made out of finely-machined aluminum and consists of two hinged arms. Kosh75287 Mar 1, 2010 · The difference in the time taken to speed load a Raging Bull with moon clips vs a speed loader would be practically negligible. This makes them a must-have for revolvers that chamber cartridges designed for automatics. Jerry Miculek, um atirador de revólver IPSC, demonstrou a capacidade de disparar seis tiros de um revólver . Mostly plan on range toy only, very slim chance it would be used for anything else. Our loading tool is designed to switch the inside mandrel, allowing you to use it for different moon clips. 040 inches thick; Compatibility Oct 6, 2018 · Picked up a new S&W 686 Plus SS. Add to Wish List. Moon Clips: kraigwy: Smith & Wesson Competitive Shooting: 33: 02-16-2012 08:46 AM: moon clips or thunder ranch speed loader tjhennin: S&W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present: 12: 08-30-2010 The original steel full moon clip are still the Best Smith & Wesson 45ACP Moon Clips and their affordable load up get them while they are temporarily in stock. Zeta6 speedloaders fit a wide range of handgun models. Great for smaller volume moon clip loading 1 to 100 rounds. Speed Strips for 627: TinMon: Concealed Carry & Self Defense: 8: 04-30-2017 12:26 PM: Traded!!! 4 HKS 586 speed loaders for 2 HKS 29 speed Mar 17, 2015 · I have been using moon clips with my 686 PC, but bought an HKS speed loader over the weekend. Unit 13 demonstrates the BMT Mooner J38-5 Moon Clip Loader for Smith & Wesson J-Frames. reloads or full reloads using speedloaders, not moon clips. 1 2. They're made for the S&W Governor but work perfectly in the Colt and I find them easier and quicker to load into the cylinder than full or half moon clips. Asked my cousin about speed loaders, and he said I should go with moon clips. TK is $8 a clip in a pack of 5. Holds the ammo firmly and easy to grab and release. With a lot of practice, a well experienced shooter can shave a couple tenths of a second off their rapid reload time with moon clips vs speed loaders. Our Universal Smith & Wesson 627 & 327 . Aug 27, 2016 · When unloading the moon clips the two options are pulling them manually or a copper pipe with an edge ground into it enabling a twist to remove (that twist often bends the arm of the clip holding the casing) A nice screwdriver with a pipe is available which has the same risk of damage. com/TheYankeeMarshalTwitterhttps://twitter. Takes practice, but the longer cartridges can get slightly askew and take a little extra to get them in. 00 per clip with in a pack of 10. 357 or . Moon clips for my 9mm SP101 but would change (see above). Both are short so I imagine both would be equally quick to load. com/YankeeMarshalA place for people with common interests to come together and discus https://patreon. Add to cart . A S&W model 22, in . Jul 6, 2022 · The Pros And Cons Of Moon Clips; A Unique Speedloader for Revolvers- The Link Loader; NEW Obsolete Arms Smokewagon Speedloader; TFB Review: CK Tactical’s Ripcord Speedloader For Revolvers; Speedloaders for when you need to shoot a herd of Elephants; One-Handed Revolver Reload – Revisited I have shot two guns that take moon clips. Try Speed Beez today and see the difference a new speed loader can make! Mar 7, 2022 · Far easier to load and reload and revolver using moon clips than speed loaders. Home of the Speed Beez Brand speed-loader, Lever Loader, Revolver holsters, Revolver sights and Moon Clips for the ultimate shooting experience. Ruger LCR Revolver: 9mm, 5 - shot / Tool loads TK Custom Stainless Steel Full Moon Clips easily. Speed Strips for 627: TinMon: Concealed Carry & Self Defense: 8: 04-30-2017 12:26 PM: Traded!!! 4 HKS 586 speed loaders for 2 HKS 29 speed loaders: duck325: Accessories/Misc - For Sale or Trade: 2: 07-25-2013 07:01 PM Full and half moon clips loaded with . 99. Speed Strips for 627: TinMon: Concealed Carry & Self Defense: 8: 04-30-2017 12:26 PM: Speed loaders vs. Moonclip reload Jan 27, 2022 · As mentioned, IDPA allows either moon clips or speed loaders. $29. Apr 30, 2017 · Moon Clips vs. 95 – $ 219. 45 ACP, the full-moon clip allowed a lightning-fast reload. Use with 45 ACP 6-shot; Use with 10mm 6-shot; Use with 9mm 7-shot; Use with 38/357 6-shot; Use with 38/357 7-shot; Use with 38/357 8-shot; Use with Upgrade your S&W 686+ . I mentioned the brass to moon fit earlier with regard to the . Further, moon clips are notorious for getting bent or damaged where trying to load a cylinder becomes very difficult. As for moon clips on a 44 mag cartridge; thats kind of like teats on a boar pig. Aug 19, 2024 · That said, because they're much less robust than speedloaders, for carry I use a moon clip in the revolver, but a speedloader (or two) in pocket for the reload. One arm (the wider one) has a post (called a mandrel) designed to hold a moon clip. On cartridges without a prominent rim, they allow the rounds to headspace and eject with ease. Easier to manipulate and faster to use. Reload in mere seconds. The lowest price I've seen is $8. Nov 15, 2014 · The thin sheet metal construction does not lend itself well to hard street use, and with good technique the old speedloader is just hardly slower than the moon clip guns, but is much more rugged and when the rounds are loaded the speedloader simply falls away and has no bearing on the "feeding" of the revolver if you will. Moon clips are faster in some cases and perhaps great for competitions, it seems, but not necessarily for home or street defense. Moon-Clips are very specific to the cartridge and for competition you may want several. Ruger LCR, 5 round, 9mm . Moon clips are the simplest speedloaders. 95; SPEED BEEZ® Full Moon Clip Compatible with Smith & Wesson® 627, TRR8, R8 38/357 Eight (8) Shot Revolvers Apr 9, 2023 · Moon clips or speedloaders Jump to Latest 1. Does the cylinder have to be machined at all in order to use moon-clips (or half-moon clips)? Can one use odd rounds (such as 9mm Parabellum) in say GP100 with moon-clips with the standard cylinder? (The "why" is a different question. Mar 7, 2022 · Far easier to load and reload and revolver using moon clips than speed loaders. Available in packs of 10, 20, 50, and 100 moon clips. https://patreon. 357 Magnum tend to allow too much play while holding the rim of the cartridges, which can hinder a smooth reload. I inspect all unloaded clips prior to loading for our local ICORE matches and very infrequently find any that are misshaped. 5 out of 5 stars 16 1 offer from $7995 $ 79 95 Jan 12, 2017 · Amazon. Pretty much useless. Moon clips are the fastest, but your cylinder has to be milled for most of them. Granted, this guy is the best in the world but, guys all over the country, are doing this every weekend. 38 SPL JHP ammo. So is smaller capacity a good trade-off for faster more secure reloading? Nov 8, 2017 · After practicing with both types of moon clips, I prefer moon clips with shorter cartridges because they load and unload faster. Hi Guns! I recently purchased a Ruger LCR and am looking for either moon clips or speed loaders so I can reload faster. 45acp Governor Revolver | Speedy Stainless Steel Moon Clips for Easy Loading and Unloading | Made in USA 4. 0. , in a revolver. ) - but I don't shoot revolvers competitively either TK Custom moon clip loaders make the loading and unloading simple and easy. 80 a clip. Sep 13, 2023 · Pros & Cons of Moon Clips. Half-moon and full moon clips originate in the Colt and Smith & Wesson M1917 Mar 15, 2019 · HKS 587-A Revolver Speedloader for S&W 686 (7-Shot), Taurus 617, 817, 827, 66 (7-Shot) (Тwo Рack) I thought these moon clips were overpriced compared to the Sep 17, 2018 · About this item . So many options when it comes to moon clipshere’s a good overview!Subscribe to the channel, follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the website Mar 8, 2024 · Two . . Though less common than traditional . Hebert looks the advantages and disadvantages of Speed Strips vs. 22 LR speed loaders from TK Custom for quick and efficient reloading. Moon clips More expensive upfront to get your cylinder cut, but moon clips are like $3 vs $45 for a speedloader. Dropping the moon clips into the M327 was a different matter. Speed loaders are slightly slower, but should work similarly. 8K views 7 replies 4 participants last post by LMB May 4, 2023 Aug 15, 2022 · Moon Clip Speedloaders. Loading uses a lever action motion to easy loading of the hardest Oct 8, 2018 · To eject the fired casings, the shooter pushed the ejector rod rearward to clear the moon clips. No bent moon clips or busted fingers. Buy additional mandrels to load many other calibers / moon clips. The double latch on the RB Cylinder is going to pretty much eliminate fast one handed reloads. Review of TK Custom Moon Clips for Smith and Wesson and Chiappa Rhino and 50DS and comparison to speed loaders from Safariland, Speedbeez and HKSget yours he Mar 23, 2018 · TK Custom 10 Moon Clips - Premium Moon Clip for S&W Model 625 . Really good though. View as Grid List. Apr 9, 2023 · I like both the moon clips and speedloaders. With our push-in system, there is one less step which removes one more barrier between you and a faster reload. facebook. Conventional push in and turn. Nov 30, 2022 · Moon clips certainly have the ability to beat a speedloader, but it completely depends on the caliber. Looking at SafariLand speed loaders. Do you want your next 8 reloads at your fingertips? This Beez Rax 8 Post Moon Clip Belt Rack holds up to eight full moon clips, all placed within twelve inches of each other. Do you want your next two reloads at your fingertips? This Speed Beez Beez Rax Competition 2 Post Moon Clip Belt Rack moon clip holder holds up to two full moon clips, all placed within 4 inches of each other. Speed Strips for 627 - The what's (the difference), where (are the best places to get them), why (do I want them), and how (much do they cost). A moon clip is not needed for your SP-101. 44, while moon clips are for rimless auto cartridges when used in a revolver, such as 9 mm or . 5". Innovative product designs manufactured right here in the United States of America. The problem with using moon clips with . Many shooters have noted that moon clips for . This significantly reduces the time required to get back into Nov 30, 2022 · I wonder where the cutoff point is, between the ease and security of moon-clips / speed loaders versus revolver cylinder capacity? What I mean, is that a 7 shot revolver might be more fiddly and clumsy to reload with a speed loader (or a moon-clip), than a 5 shot revolver. Moon clips and half moon clips are special speedloaders for use with revolvers that chamber rimless cartridges, such as 9×19mm Parabellum or . Speed loader revolvers are familiar to most people. 45 ACP moon clips stacked one above the other occupy about the same space as an N-frame HKS speedloader with . and gone back to speed loaders ( star loaders in the 627's / and a Safariland loader in the model 27. 44, and . They are much harder to install ammo than speed loaders and way more difficult to remove spent cases or loaded ammo than speed loaders. Fast-forward to the early 1980s when the full-moon clip was developed for competitive shooters in bowling pin and practical shooting matches. Not as cool though. 99 for a pack of 5, which is $1. Blog: http://unit13fremslt. 44 magnum revolvers, rimless wheel guns are a great option for people who want to shoot a . Moon clips for shorter 9X19 rounds are even smaller. Double-action revolvers are designed to use rimmed cartridges, and the extractors are incapable of removing rimless cartridges. A moon clip revolver is usually chambered for a semi-automatic pistol round. Unable to find a leather moon clip carrier, but found one for my s Speed loader or full moon clip Jan 12, 2017 · Amazon. Quick view . 357 Magnum with our 7 shot moon clips. Oct 11, 2008 · Using moon-clips on standard (non-machined) cylinder? Resurrecting the old threat (hopefully not a dead horse ). Next you can load it with: Loose Rounds, Quick Strips, Speed Loaders, or Moon Clips. 357 MoonClip Loader and Moon Clip Unloading Tool Bundle | Easy Revolver Moon Clip Loader and Unloader Tools | Made in USA : Sports & Outdoors Jan 17, 2023 · Got some Five Star, eight round, speed loaders too. 38, . I have a mix of more expensive and less expensive moon clips and have no difficultly loading either. Moon Clips: Moon clips are great not only because they can hold all of the rounds at once, but because they offer the only way to use rimless cartridges in a revolver. Easily load your 38SP/357 Magnum revolver with the Zeta6 K-Clip K- Frame revolver speed clips. Use with 45 ACP 6-shot; Use with 10mm 6-shot; Use with 9mm 7-shot; Use with 38/357 6-shot; Use with 38/357 7-shot Jan 27, 2014 · Facebookhttps://www. Dec 16, 2020 · When carrying moon clips in pockets, some people use a special cup designed to steady the business end of the cartridges to prevent the clip from bending. Jerry can reload his revolver faster than you can change magazines. Pair them with Smith & Wesson Revolver and Guns Moon Clips, Ruger Moonclips, and Revolver Spring Kits to enhance your firearm’s performance. I wonder how many moon clip fans actually rely on them for what they might perceive as actual defense revolver shooting. We design and build each of our speed loaders in the United States. Items 1-12 of 14. Dropping the moon clip into the M22 was easily done. Moon Clips ONLY work in Rimless Cartridges. Nov 4, 2024 · Terril J. It is NO LOCK for one thing. Sep 1, 2018 · The TK Custom Moon Clip Loader. Moon Clips, Speed Loaders. If Federal would bring back the 9mm rimmed I would use a speedloader with my 9mm SP101. I like the speedloaders. A moon clip goes into the rim of the cylinder and stays there during firing, not just to drop rounds in the cylinder like the speed loader. Moon clip speedloaders are designed for rimless cartridge revolvers. Which SF model do any of you use or recommend? Although I'm open to other name brands, I like the push button feature of SafariLand as opposed to twisting needed for other name Allows for the use of REVOLVER SUPPLY & RANCH PRODUCTS moon clips. We have speed loaders for . com : TK Custom Moon Clip Loader - Premium S&W 627 8-Shot . Additionally, our loading tool is crafted. Moons are also smaller in diameter than same-caliber speedloaders, the bodies of which encompass the cartridges. ' Still, to me, best bet remains Moon Clips. Speed Strips for 627: TinMon: Concealed Carry & Self Defense: 8: 04-30-2017 12:26 PM: Traded!!! 4 HKS 586 speed loaders for 2 HKS 29 speed Taurus 905CH 9MM Stellar Clips 5PK. 45 ACP; six shot,and a S&W model 327, in . 38 Special and . Dec 22, 2024 · I have to use clips in my 45acp Colt 1917 service revolver but prefer 2 round clips from Ranch Products. Oct 16, 2024 · --SOLD--: For a J frame: New Galco speed loader pouch and 2 HKS speed loaders: mini14jac: Accessories/Misc - For Sale or Trade: 0: 07-25-2017 04:14 PM: Compilation thread - Moon Clips vs. $32. 357, . 327 revolvers. Given my druthers, I will always lean towards Os moon clips podem ser ainda mais rápidos de usar do que um speedloader com o treinamento adequado. Advantages of Moon Clips: Rapid Reloads: Moon clips enable the shooter to reload all the chambers of a revolver simultaneously, similar to a semi-automatic pistol's magazine. 38 special, . Sort By Set Descending Direction. Six holes to line up with tapered 230 gr ball. 38/. Jun 9, 2022 · I’ve read a lot here about how, “…I’ll just use a Comp II (or, in the case of the big bores, an HKS) speedloader. com/inrangetv Sep 14, 2020 · I have over a dozen guns that use moon clips and I shoot moon clip guns in competition, so I am not without moon clip experience. 22LR and . And spent cases much easier to recover. Jun 14, 2021 · Yes, moon clips are faster for reloading but that's about where the positive attributes stop. MADE IN AMERICA - Our Taurus 905 moon clip uses high-strength 0. Uses patented design; This tool holds the components in perfect alignment. None of my revolvers are cut for moon clips, and I refuse to have them cut for moon clips. To unload the empties I just use an old tube style tool. FOR THE AVID TARGET SHOOTER - We’re so sure our Taurus Tracker 692 9mm moon clip loader will enhance your competition shooting experience that we back them with our exceptional promise: A no-hassle refund within 30 days of purchase. When doing the moon clip cut, they leave a ring on the outside rear of the cylinder for the 38 rounds to head space on when not in a moon clip. 45 ACP, recarregar e disparar mais seis tiros na zona A de 6×11 polegadas de um alvo IPSC a 15 pés (4,6 m) em menos de três segundos. TK Custom™ carries revolver moon clips, loading tools, and S&W revolver parts/ accessories. Sep 4, 2023 · Moon clips come in various sizes and configurations to accommodate different revolver calibers and models. Great for rotary magazines and moon clips! › See more product details Compilation thread - Moon Clips vs. R-LCR38 - $105/ea. Feb 1, 2012 · The 442 Pro comes factory cut for moon clips. I've yet to see any Taurus moon clips on the market. Smaller size to fit in shooting bags. Not only that, but you can also easily mix rimmed and rimless ammo in the same revolver’s cylinder. http Moon clips also don't have a great way to carry them; basically every carrying device was designed for competition use instead of concealed carry. TK Custom is your source for moon clips, moon clip tools, and revolver accessories. 45 ACP or similar automatic cartridge from a compact gun. This leads to many people just throwing moon clips and speed loaders in pockets, which take even longer to get to. Taurus Branded Comp-Tac Speed Loader Holder Speed Beez 856. Did some research, and looks like I'd have to have the cylinder cut for the moon clips (some 686 come that way, but not all). Proper leverage is built in for easy operation. I poked about on the internet and it looks like no one is making them for the LCR. qshnwedd uxjtcp ilqg uou heub nudrgqf qdn zamqmx wskvm kmhex lefca pfg guvkfx ixs niebj