Netlify environment variables react KEY would be undefined. However, when I set up the environment variables, they are always undefined, even when it is very clear that I have set them up. bar foo__bar. Sep 26, 2020 · It seems that adding REACT_APP_* to the environment variables in the netlify settings doesn’t work anymore. May 11, 2020 · Last reviewed: August 2023 The preferred way to use environment variables in Netlify is to set them in our environment - be that in the Environment Variables settings UI (on the site’s “Build & Deploy settings” page), or via netlify. Apr 14, 2022 · Last reviewed: August 2023 The preferred way to use environment variables in Netlify is to set them in our environment - be that in the Environment Variables settings UI (on the site’s “Build & Deploy settings” page), or via netlify. staging] [context. REACT_APP_API_KEY} please advice Apr 11, 2023 · Yes, you are mistaken in this instance. js API routes, that’s expected with Next Runtime v4 as that uses Netlify Functions v1. Nov 3, 2022 · I'm using a file named . I am currently trying to upgrade to Apollo 4 (I was using apollo-server-lambda to help serving netlify’s lambda functions, but just found out that is now way out of date) Jun 2, 2019 · Hi I’m reasonably new to netlify and have never used the environment variables before but I’m having a tough time getting my head around how to use them. File-based configuration allows you to set different environment variables for different deploy contexts. You'll need to configure these either through your dashboard or or in the netlify configuration file. This is what it’s Feb 27, 2023 · See the latest articles from Netlify. 10 and it built successfully. Issue dotenv-webpack expects there to be a . It seems that the function returns a Promise object. I have been able to explore more, now my build command in netlify. Jul 12, 2021 · How to access Netlify Continuous Deployment Pre-Defined Env. So that’s why i think it’s environment variable issue. we don’t “do anything” with . Update 2: I re-linked my repo, removed the YARN_VERSION override I had in the initial post’s screenshot and let the deploy (through the GUI) fall back to yarn 1. The variable always shows as undefined. He is a big advocate for Netlify, and I understand why. 1: 11760: April 18, 2022 Using Nuxt and Jul 19, 2024 · # Deploy a Vite site on Netlify. When I check in React dev tool, I see the state that jokes are updated but nothing in UI. It just doesn’t work in Netlify. So instead of using the env variable if I do build with an actual secret key it works fine. SHOP_NAME}. I’m not able to access this key from the component (process. Learn about the modern web stack from step-by-step guides, case studies, site showcases, and examples. 0. 2 , release/alpha-0. Support. Jul 11, 2021 · I just checked and seems like your repo is private. File. 14. Using the similar code. I have a API key and a secret key, that is stored in . toml. js - then process. I’m just not sure how I would use a api key after build/deployment then, that wouldn’t be with netlify functions? Jul 28, 2023 · Hi @hrishikesh I’ve made some headway on this problem, but have managed to uncover what I think is the key issue…this error: Exception has occurred: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'C:\\Simon\\code\\deepsheet\\client\\build\\. my netlify vars in site/b&deploy Environment variables. Oct 2, 2019 · Hi I’m reasonably new to netlify and have never used the environment variables before but I’m having a tough time getting my head around how to use them. REACT_APP_TINY_MCE), it returns undefined) I don’t understand the reason for this as I have properly defined the variable. Mar 6, 2025 · When adding a branch value for your environment variable, add a wildcard at the end to apply the value to all branches beginning with the prefix. For more information on how to use environment variables in React, check out the Environment variables and frameworks doc. I’m using . I set up my environment variables in Netlify UI, and my code attempts to access it with Jul 14, 2021 · So you can’t use the . # Create a new React Router app to deploy to Netlify Jul 8, 2021 · Hi @mikecousins, Could you provide us a repo to test this? A simple bare-bone setup should do too as long as it’s having the same problem. 22. show post in topic. app Aug 6, 2020 · I can access my environment variables when running my react app locally on localhost:8000 (using netlify dev) But once i deploy it to Netlify I cannot access them. Control whether environment variables are available for certain features with scopes. I am trying to set up merge request review deployment, so we can review the apps online. env so if you don’t have your project set up to use it and also interpolate Oct 2, 2020 · Hi Maiya! Thanks for sharing, I was having the same problem ( I was following a tutorial in which we made a conditional for the environment variable). Thanks in advance. Site name: https://dadjokestest. It covers: Starting a new project using Vite; Deploying your Vite project to Netlify with Netlify CLI # Start a new project using Vite. You say you’re using Netlify Functions to access the API, but if the variable is visible in frontend, you must have added it somewhere Dec 1, 2020 · Hello, can I somehow use and set nested environment variables in Netlify? Let’s say I’ve got my local config in the format: { "foo": { "bar": "baz" } } I want to store baz value to the environment variable. local file with VITE_API_KEY = 123 … Aug 22, 2020 · I can access my environment variables when running my react app locally on localhost:8000 (using netlify dev) But once i deploy it to Netlify I cannot access them. environment] REACT_APP_TEST_VALUE="staging" Jul 13, 2021 · So we just moved from CRA to Vite for our React app. meta. GOOGLE_API_KEY = undefined) however, eve… Apr 10, 2023 · Environment variables for react. Site settings > Build & deploy > Environment > Environment variables, to be exact, ooh or Team settings > Sites > Global site settings > Shared environment variables if you’re the “sharing is caring” type. AFAIK GATSBY_ variables are used to exposed them to the client. env file. May 1, 2024 · Hoi ! I’m facing issues while trying to access my Environment Variables… I have created an env variable through NETLIFY DASHBOARD REACT_APP_TINY_MCE But, when I try to access it(for eg through a console. Related topics Jan 6, 2020 · Hello, I have an architecture where my backend is hosted APIs are hosted in heroku and I am using Netlify for CDN for React application. VAR in your frontend code, what you’re seeing is expected behaviour. development file. Please can anyone help Dec 8, 2021 · Netlify allows you to create and access build environment variables in a secure, and private location in your project’s dashboard. It was not supposed to. In addition to the variables you choose to define, Netlify has a number of pre-defined variables saved in our own UI: Jun 17, 2021 · The env variable is working fine in my local development server. I have been reading all the threads I have found , but had not success yet. development file in root of the gatsby project, which yeah I added to gitignore first. This section demonstrates how to deploy a Vite site on Netlify. Dec 19, 2024 · Environment variables prefixed with REACT_APP_ are processed and made available in the browser for client-side JavaScript access. Have you checked out [Support Guide] Using environment variables on Netlify correctly? I have not encountered such issues before. Thanks for you note again. But when removing . Jul 7, 2021 · In CRA we used the . env though. AUTH0_AUDIENCE); When starting up the local dev server using “ntl dev” it looks like Dec 19, 2024 · To create a React Router app and deploy it on Netlify, use our Netlify starter template with the command: npx create-react-router@latest --template netlify/react-router-template. Set different values for specific deploy contexts. Apr 8, 2023 · Hello I’ve been crunching unsuccessfully on this problem for 2 days. When I deploy via a git push, the variable isn’t set in the program. I created a netlify function to access the keys and fetch data from my APIs. The redirection happens from client side, so my current approach is to put in my custom url to the project and detect if the current deployment is a netlify deploy preview, if yes Jun 2, 2019 · Hi I’m reasonably new to netlify and have never used the environment variables before but I’m having a tough time getting my head around how to use them. I’ve configured the netlify. I have a gatsby site I’m working on and have set up a environment… Dec 16, 2021 · Variables such as this that need to remain secret are safer with a serverless function. app I have created a plugin and I want to update/add environment variables through the plugin I have tried to parse the netlify. however its working fine on local host. However when I am pushing my git into productions I will need to set up the environment variables, and I did that, but my form, that is linked to Airtable, ins’t able to ping the API as it doesn’t finds the API key. Jan 12, 2022 · Hi there, I am running a Gatsby site, now that I have branch deploys working and being deployed to the right subdomain, I would like to set an ENVIRONMENT VAR for my STAGING Branch Deploy. REACT_APP_ENV) yields undefined. If you have already deployed your website, go to Site settings > Build & deploy > Environment > Environment variables and click on Edit Variables and add your env var. log('transak data is: ' + transakData); or because it’s an async functon: let transakData = await transakFunction(); console. You'll get all you need to deploy to Netlify, including a netlify. log('transak data is: ' + transakData); But I never get a value in Dec 21, 2020 · Last reviewed: August 2023 The preferred way to use environment variables in Netlify is to set them in our environment - be that in the Environment Variables settings UI (on the site’s “Build & Deploy settings” page), or via netlify. Thank you Nov 18, 2024 · What you can try is manually building the project again and then deploying it, and make sure to add your environment variables in Netlify project console before building and deploying it. NET5. local in dev environment, and all env vars work fine! When I pushed it to Netlify, they aren't located, is there some specific way of setting them? May 12, 2020 · Hey @fool, thanks for the reference. Looking at the react docs they mention it as well. Is there something extra I need to do to get webpack to use these variables? Thank you! Aug 18, 2021 · Hi All, I have an react app created by create-react-app. env file for my create-react-app and ensured the . In react they start with REACT_APP You can set custom variables in the Netlify UI but there are also some preset ones: Build environment variables | Netlify Docs Specifically looking at the URL variable. g. Is there a way to restore the previous environment variables from before the build repository was changed? Feb 19, 2023 · How to access Netlify environment variable when using Vite with react ? using import. Has something changed? As for missing blobs stuff in Next. REACT_APP_KEY would be defined, but process. In the Netlify configuration file. local file with VITE_API_KEY = 123 this is working. They do not exist anymore once the build completes. app/ build logs: deploying to main site URL… Finished hashing 18 files CDN requesting 0 files Finished uploading 0 assets Aug 19, 2022 · Dear support, I’m pretty new to React applications, JavaScript and to using Netlify. production. Then, you can May 23, 2019 · sed -i "s|<value_to_chage>|$<ENV_VARIABLE>|" file_name. It was from a Udemy course called React Front to Back by Brad Traversy (my favorite teacher). By default you will have NODE_ENV defined for you; Any other environment variables starting with REACT_APP_ will be available; Any other variables except NODE_ENV will be ignored See full list on docs. SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN, }, fetch ) Prefixing env var keys with GATSBY_ fixed the issue Oct 18, 2022 · I was able to fix this by injecting environment variables through local build plugins. log("AUTH0_DOMAIN:"); console. Your extension can also create secret environment variables on Netlify. For Create React App, the solution ended up being that all Create React App environmental variables had to be prepended with REACT_APP_. when deploying to Netlify we used the conditional Nov 2, 2021 · Last reviewed: November 2024 The preferred way to use environment variables in Netlify is to set them in our environment - be that in the Environment Variables settings UI (on the site’s “Build & Deploy settings” page),… Apr 14, 2022 · Hi, @simonxcode. I know I’m missing Jun 24, 2019 · Hey @fool, thanks for the reference. The environment variables exist in the build system alone. failed site: https://xenodochial-bohr-63bf61. Jun 24, 2023 · Hi @jasonb I tried updating netlify-cli …the previous version was at 14. There are many other patterns and options available with sed and you can wrap this in script with other commands as needed. For a bit more context—I’m specifically trying to set a Shopify subdomain and access token (sensitive) by adding these values as environment variables in Netlify (prefixed for production vs staging, but that’s a different subject). environment] but after the deployment process succeeded the new environment variables not exists and Oct 3, 2016 · Netlify allows you to add environment variables to your build so you can define the way your site is built. develop. It’s not working after build. As the Create React App Adding Custom Environment Variables documentation states The environment variables are embedded during the build time. The issue occurs on the subdomain /buy/french (or other language name) when trying to retrieve my Stripe API key from my environment variables. It should only be used by your build scripts to be used to create your content during build. netlify\\functions\\auth' My directory structure is such that I have my front-end React application in /client and the server side code in Nov 12, 2019 · Hello folks I want to maintain a development and production instance of my application. node file. . toml is: command = “yarn env && gatsby build” And in the log file I can see variables are being set: “WEB_URL Apr 18, 2019 · I answered using . I need to set an environment variable REACT_APP_API_URL to Sep 30, 2019 · Hi @bushblade, I totally get the . May 12, 2020 · the TL;DR is “explicitly interpolate the variables in THE ASSETS WE DEPLOY”. In this tutorial, we were using the Github API to fetch the user, etc. env file like you can in Create React App? Jul 10, 2021 · So we just moved from CRA to Vite for our React app. toml file like so [context. If using locally, the netlify dev command will not be able to load netlify. myshopify. VITE_API_KEY but unable to get the netlify environment variable working? when using . js version 18. app/ Is there something I am… Feb 19, 2023 · How to access Netlify environment variable when using Vite with react ? using import. Variables in client side JS? Oct 25, 2020 · I’ve been researching a bit regarding environment variables, here is what I know. However, it appears the bearer token of the GET request from my react app is still exposed in Chrome Dev Tools even though the jsx file uses the proper Aug 18, 2021 · Hi All, I have an react app created by create-react-app. While deploying, I added the API keys to the environment Apr 10, 2023 · I have tried looking through as many resources as possible but I cannot get it to work. I then added the environment variables to the Build & Deploy settings for my site on Netlify. app/ Is there something I am… Mar 11, 2020 · I am trying to access environment variables in Netlify with create react app. app/ deploy settings Base directory: Not set Build command: CI=npm run build Publish directory: build/ Deploy log visibility: Logs are public Builds: Active I also have 7 different variables one example REACT_APP_API_KEY deploy log 9:51:2 Oct 23, 2020 · IMPORTANT NOTE: No environment variables can be accessed from a create-react-app dynamically from the browser hosted on Netlify! They must be accessed at build time to be used in the static site. 0 or later installed on your machine. AUTH0_CLIENT_ID); console. VARIABLE in netlify functions with netlify build time environment variables. https://gmwill934. So, process. env file: # get the Sep 17, 2020 · React Component is not rendering after deploying to Netlify. js for shopify-buy, specifically: const client = Client. REACT_APP_API_KEY ‘abcd123’ function abs => {apikey: process. toml env vars and the ones you setup through the admin ui at app. env file: # get the Apr 18, 2022 · Last reviewed: August 2023 The preferred way to use environment variables in Netlify is to set them in our environment - be that in the Environment Variables settings UI (on the site’s “Build & Deploy settings” page), or via netlify. Apr 11, 2023 · Indeed, I see REACT_APP_SERVICE_ID and REACT_APP_PUBLIC_KEY embedded in the code instead of the values of the variables. You’ll want to choose the right pattern to meet your needs. This section demonstrates how to deploy a Create React App site on Netlify. buildClient( { domain: `${process. How should I go about setting that to work bearing in mind that I May 15, 2021 · I am deploying through the netlify website. until now, but that’s Gatsby normal build process. env, and then via the Netlify UI. I tried with the following code let transakData = transakFunction(); console. environment] A = ‘x’ B=‘z’ this is working fine for the react application, however, the functions on the develop branch are Dec 10, 2020 · PLEASE help us help you by writing a good post! I have an app which works with subdomain redirection according to the username of the logged in user. env file to get the Netlify environment variables into React. The react app would have to call out to the backend API URL that changes for different review branches. It works on local machine. environment] REACT_APP_TEST_VALUE="prod" [context. local file with VITE_API_KEY = 123 … Jun 2, 2019 · Yeah I’ve done it before using my linode server to store the key, make a request etc and return data to my own end point on my server, but the netlify functions don’t look too scary. For this I use an API Key, that I’ve removed from from my Frontend code entirely and stored in my . The Gatsby Jan 22, 2021 · I can access my environment variables when running my react app locally on localhost:8000 (using netlify dev) But once i deploy it to Netlify I cannot access them. staging. I cloned that repo and initialized with netlify cli, build and then deployed to netlify and it didn’t work. XXXX will return a right value during that build - but the build process better write out the value, and not just “process. Create secret environment variables. log("AUTH0_CLIENT_ID:"); console. In all cases the variables set were included in the build. There is a support guide about this here: Would you please read that support guide above and then May 20, 2020 · Hi, I had a similar issue with Create React App, so leaving the solution for that here, in case it helps you to troubleshoot. The results of console. com Mar 12, 2024 · Our docs cover how to create environment variables and how to use environment variables during the build process. 1: 1637: September 28, 2020 netlify-newbie, create-react-app. json ---> only for this plugin (to define as a module) May 12, 2020 · @fool really appreciate your thoughts on this, but I think the part that’s throwing me off is that this works just fine locally with these variables in a . However, to summarise, if you are having something like process. com`, storefrontAccessToken: process. The Next Frontier in AI Development: Why Agent Experience (AX) Matters. I don’t know why it was in the tutorial, maybe it is a bit outdated or something. local file and directly using VITE_API_KEY = 123 in netlify environment variables. I developed a small app in React that does fetch-requests to the yahoo finance API. component not rendering at all. To illustrate my solution, here’s the file structure I made: > project > plugins > netlify > env - index. app/ Is there something I am… Aug 18, 2021 · Hi @sab, To provide more info on this, we’d have to see your repo. XXX files. I followed everything in the documentation but it still doesn’t work. local file with VITE_API_KEY = 123 … Inline process. I found that you should be able to copy the May 16, 2024 · How to access environment variables? My website is https://www. Note this works for deploys initiated via changes to your Jun 2, 2019 · There is no difference between the netlify. See here: I am trying to use them in my code like this: console. I will look into it. Before you begin, make sure you have Node. To read them at runtime, you would need to load HTML into memory on the server and replace placeholders in Nov 30, 2022 · I have a react app and set a netlify variable (REACT_APP_ENV). If we’re “running” the code at build time - e. I have a gatsby site I’m working on and have set up a environment… May 10, 2020 · Hey there, I’m new to Gatsby and I’m creating a site with a google maps component that requires the google api key. I have been Sep 28, 2020 · Last reviewed: August 2023 The preferred way to use environment variables in Netlify is to set them in our environment - be that in the Environment Variables settings UI (on the site’s “Build & Deploy settings” page), or via netlify. development and that, in a case of the API Key, works perfectly for me. Once I saw your post, I removed the conditional and kept it to the REACT_APP_… and it worked. Depending on the framework you use, there are specific configuration variables you may want to set to change an aspect of your build - such as the HUGO_VERSION or NEXTAUTH_SECRET . Apr 12, 2022 · How to use environmental variables set in Netlify UI (REACT_APP) Support deployment , environment-vars , create-react-app Nov 7, 2021 · I followed all rules stated but when i pass process. env file Nov 12, 2020 · Just spent the better part of 1-2 hours trying to figure out why env vars were working in gatsby-config (locally and Netlify) but not in ContextProvider. I have a gatsby site I’m working on and have set up a environment… Feb 19, 2023 · How to access Netlify environment variable when using Vite with react ? using import. env on Netlify to be able to use dotenv on your build on SO, but here is the cross post: WARNING: If this is a secret key, you will not want to expose this environment variable value in any bundle that gets returned to the client. Jul 7, 2022 · Last reviewed: August 2023 The preferred way to use environment variables in Netlify is to set them in our environment - be that in the Environment Variables settings UI (on the site’s “Build & Deploy settings” page), or via netlify. yml - package. toml file with common build settings. toml env vars (as of the time of this answer) and only loads the env vars from app. env file is included in gitignore so as not to expose them on GitHub. env file), and used continuous deploy to deploy from there. It covers: Access site environment variables and team-level shared environment variables with your extension. I only need them to used them at Build time (so, Server side, so to say). Also, just to confirm, does this problem occur locally? Oct 14, 2021 · So I removed branch-deploy from my toml file and replaced it with staging but the context during the build is still showing up as branch-deploy [context. environment] A = ‘A’ B= ‘B’ [context. Yeah I can access variables in development from a env. If you want to keep your API a secret (meaning not embedding in in the client side javascript where anyone could steal it) then the solution is to use Functions to do so. can anyone help me please Nov 2, 2022 · Starting in February 2023, Netlify will begin migrating environment variables to a new secret management experience with better encryption and more flexibility. In CRA we used the . They must be accessed at build time to be used in the static site. gitignore. I created a test deploy first using environment variables set in a netlify. What should be the name/key of this environment variable? What I tried: foo. I would advise against doing what you currently are, as those private variables end up exposed which means anyone could potentially use your API KEY to send emails. Dec 16, 2021 · My issue is with the environment variables set in Netlify UI are not available in my production deployment. I have a gatsby site I’m working on and have set up a environment variable in the UI but I’m unsure how I access it? I have tried just console. Do check out If using Vite, you might also check out the Vite Env Variables documentation. Here is where I am doing the call with the env Jul 7, 2021 · Could you try to set the variables in Netlify UI to make sure it’s not a problem of . Development and Production were working fine using . I’m using master and develop branches to do this. I want to implement branch deploys for the staging environment. log(process. Some of these were quite important and not trivial to recreate (access tokens and such). This all works on the… Jun 2, 2019 · Hi I’m reasonably new to netlify and have never used the environment variables before but I’m having a tough time getting my head around how to use them. This would shed some light: Feb 19, 2023 · How to access Netlify environment variable when using Vite with react ? using import. linguallect. 1 , and so on. com; it is made with create-react-app. I think I have my head around how it all fits together now, thanks again for the explanations, most useful. production] [context. x , but that did not help. Sep 27, 2018 · You CAN use environment variables in your create-react-app on Netlify, but all the build constraints of the Create React App will still apply. com. I’m under the impression that the Netlify variables in deploy settings are a direct Feb 23, 2024 · I’m able to see the Sitecore environment variables on your Netlify Function endpoint. environment-vars. app/ I am facing an issue in the footer section and all over the website my anchor tags not working… for example I added clients Facebook page link but whenever I try to click on it its not redirecting me. Find out if you’re ready for the new era of Agent Experience (AX) Close announcement bar Nov 10, 2022 · Hi dears! it is my first ever Netlify app https://muarif-quran. XXXX” to your published files - since node is NOT running at browse time 🙂 To answer your Oct 7, 2020 · Sorry for the misunderstanding, it was not from a Netlify tutorial. netlify. js - manifest. AUTH0_DOMAIN); console. I then set up a serverless function and added the API Key as an environment variable as I May 15, 2020 · I’m under the impression that the Netlify variables in deploy settings are a direct alternative to an env file and the variables should be sourced from there, so why would this work locally but fail during Netlify build? Not sure where you got that impression, but it’s not true. env) to see what comes back but it’s an empty object. Thanks! Jun 2, 2019 · Thanks you’ve been very helpful. Oct 14, 2020 · However, I have just noticed that all the (20+) environment variables that I previously had configured have disappeared. The only other change you need to make is to add the ENV_VARIABLE to Netlify through their gui interface. Since Create React App produces a static HTML/CSS/JS bundle, it can’t possibly read them at runtime. log("AUTH0_AUDIENCE:"); console. Share Improve this answer Aug 26, 2022 · I still haven’t figured out how to read from this return object. I set up a way to send emails with emailjs, and I even did this in a very similar way for a different site a couple weeks ago. While i’m happy that worked, it means there’s no Yarn 3 support on Netlify. toml file and add then update it with our variables to [context. I have a gatsby site I’m working on and have set up a environment… Oct 4, 2019 · Hi I’m reasonably new to netlify and have never used the environment variables before but I’m having a tough time getting my head around how to use them. env file: # get the Netlify environment variables REACT_APP_COMMIT_REF=$COMMIT… So we just moved from CRA to Vite for our React app. Jun 25, 2019 · Last reviewed: August 2023 The preferred way to use environment variables in Netlify is to set them in our environment - be that in the Environment Variables settings UI (on the site’s “Build & Deploy settings” page), or via netlify. (I had thought that the prepended part was Jan 12, 2022 · HI @talves, thanks for answering, I do not think this is the answer. Jan 10, 2020 · Netlify supports environment variables, not through . Question: How to securely access environment variables (API key and URL) via a Netlify function in a React js application? Scenario: We’re running a website that has a page ‘Buy Crypto’, when this page is loaded an API call needs Aug 5, 2021 · PLEASE help us help you by writing a good post! Site name: `reverent-booth-a137d1. I have not encountered such issues before. Better to hide Oct 5, 2021 · I have set some environment variables in the UI. toml, then . env. Still sticking with netlify-cli for now since that Jul 14, 2021 · Actually I’m kind of surprised that it worked in CRA as well. They need to be accessed at build time, and not dynamically. They get loaded at the time of the build together. Site Link : https://weirdo-writes. env file which I then added to . Sep 13, 2021 · I’ve stored API keys in the . The explicit deploy context values and scopes are requirements to avoid unexpected exposure. Jun 2, 2021 · When you deploy your website to Netlify, click on Show Advanced and add a new variable. To create a secret environment variable, set isSecret to true, set explicit scopes, and set an explicit value for each deploy context. env file being read/ignored? Additionally, if that still doesn’t work, just to go to a primitive stage to debug, try setting a static value for the variables like VITE_COMMIT_REF=1 and see if you can get that value to work. Mar 21, 2022 · Sorry for double reply – didn’t want things to get too confusing. This all works on the dev. CRA . I followed instructions from this post, which provided a repository that is already configured and set up with environment variables that supposedly works when deployed to netlify. com when accessed by the build bots on Netlify. All feedback is much appreciated. REACT_APP_API_KEY int frontend function it sees undefined. The variable will be printed in the website’s JS. This project doesn’t use create_react_app. I hope you can guide me to a solution. For example setting the branch name to release/* will apply the supplied value to branches named release/1. I read that article but I’m still a bit unclear on best practice and hoping for a specific example if you can help. When running gatsby develop OR gatsby build and gatsby serve, it works in both scenarios. I uploaded the files up to GitHub (minus the . iwrdb boxihqa ljddsq fgcisib lwpppza etimkvh brxc syi ibxmqw qdptii uqhv fdvsz wiuvma wekfvw ekmsq