Topping a90 vs asgard 3. The THX 789 was the eye opener for me.
Topping a90 vs asgard 3 Whereas, the Jotunheim 2 always sounds like an UPgrade over the Schiit Heresy. What I would like to know is if the A3 can be said to be; more/fuller bass, crisper highs, cleaner mids Aug 7, 2021 · A casa Audiofilando è arrivato il Topping A90, amplificatore per cuffia (e preamplificatore stereo) con dati di targa straordinari! Vedremo insieme se alla p Jan 13, 2021 · Hello, I bought the Topping A90 + D50s 2months ago and i just cant be happy with them :( Mostly i listen to House/Electro/Techno with foobar and youtube it sounds very harsh i guess my ears dont like i have HD650 + DT1990 Headphones, and i just switched back to my mainboard sound (Gigabyte Oct 9, 2022 · The digital volume control from the ESS dac chip of the dx3pro+ is probably more transparent than the analog volume control of the Asgard 3. Oct 19, 2020 · Yes, upon further research, I have found that to be the case. Topping A90 Here - https://apos. L30 surpassed it in every level. I did decide to keep the a90 and sell the thx. Thread starter Gurra1980; Start date Apr 26, 2021; Prev. In 2020 I Hello everyone, I recently bought a Topping A90 from apos and when i got it and plugged it in to my laptop i noticed a massive amount of static and interference I looked it up and realized it was a ground loop so i got the IFI ground-loop breaker and it works as long as im not playing a game Jan 6, 2023 · Amp/DAC: Topping A90 | SMLS SU-9 | Feliks Echo MK2 DAP: iBasso DX170 Previous gear: Beyerdynamics DT770 Pro 250 ohm | Philips SHP9500 | Audio Technica MX50 | Schiit Asgard 3 | Fiio K5 Pro | Soundblaster X3 | Hifiman Sundara | ZMF Atticus Camphor | Monolith Liquid Platinum Aug 28, 2023 · I was wondering if you would consider the topping A90D/D90LE stack something that could be considered end game for you? Also how big of an improvement would it be over a Asgard 3/modius stack? Thinking of pairing it with either the HE1000 V2 or HE1000 stealth which I hear is amp picky. Topping A90 Love them all! Jotunheim 2 produce biggest bass, Topping is the least, Singxer on the middle. We’ve created this comparison chart to help you quickly and easily judge the differences between the classic A90 and the upgraded A90 Discret Apr 4, 2021 · Topping A30pro vs A90. The objectivist approach would not predict the issues you're describing either, so I can't really explain exactly what is causing your issues. 5mm balanced or 3. A90 Discrete Headphone Amplifier-TOPPING Save yourself the money bro, and go with the topping. 2kohm of M400 won’t work correctly with A90. that said, i think a lot of it has to do with your expectations and your ability to discern sonic differences. 5mm single-ended connection, but Topping’s choice of 4. 3mm output A90, but not as powerful as 4. First of all, let me remind you that a remote control and a relay-based volume control are major improvements that made A90D a strong candidate for the last preamp that you will Jun 21, 2022 · Qudelix 5K Bluetooth USB LDAC AptX Adaptive Portable DAC/Amp, Moondrop Dawn 4. I think the low-end definitely would benefit from the additional punch from the Soloist vs A90. Aug 4, 2021 · I used 650's with it and now Focal Clear Pros. max1236 Member. The A30 Pro is a better choice if you’re looking for a neutral sound signature, a built-in DAC, and a preamp output. 2; Paradigm Studio CC V2; Paradigm Servo 15, Nord Three 1ET400A ST Stereo Amplifier, Carver Cinema Grand Sunfire 200 (X2), Topping DX7 Pro (Pre-Amp with Burson Vivid v. Sep 6, 2020 · Topping/John Yang mentioned that this is probably due to the design choice of using an internal power supply unit instead of an external power brick, however, I will note that I never heard this noise using the Schiit Saga+ connected to either the Schiit Asgard 3 or the Schiit Jotunheim, which also both have internal power supplies. So i finally connected my Interface that is a SSL 2+, with balanced connections to my A90. 2; Paradigm Studio w\Beryllium Signature Tweeters, Studio 20 V. Was just curious on what peoples opinions were on both brands. This is compared to running planars like the LCD-5 and susvara on NC400 speaker amps. Hi friend. Sep 27, 2022 · Topping A90 Discrete ($599) VS Topping A90 ($499) I will skip all their specs, working principles and will focus my attention on their feature set and sound quality. Oct 22, 2021 · I own DCA AEON 2 Noire's, HIFIMAN Sundaras and Sennheiser HD660S. Sep 6, 2020 · Taking all of these into account, the A90 falls short on the ubiquity factor (given its recency and somewhat-high price of $500 in a sea of sub-$200 amplifiers), but its status as “the best measuring amplifier ever made” (up till Topping’s own L30, though the A90 still out-powers the L30 by a significant margin if you’re stickler for Jul 6, 2020 · The A90/D90 stack makes for a perfectly flush desktop stack, with their cases being exactly the same size and shape. Thanks for the a/b comparison. I stuck with my Modius and A90 for a while before I felt the desire to upgrade, and it's fun to incrementally swap out individual components and listen to the results. 6), Topping DX7 Pro (Pre-Amp with Sparkos OPamps), Topping DM7, Topping A90, Topping A90D Any info on the topping a90's opamp. I remember in asr one guy claimed he developed recent topping products. I do like how the a90 renders the low end but at the cost of some mid details. Reply reply Mar 10, 2021 · Will give it some time to burn in, and give it a listen later. Sep 11, 2021 · Topping introduced the circuit with the A90 and it has both trickled down into other products and been improved along the way. Also if you have an opinion on which of the HE headphone you like better and for what reason that would be From my experience, I would not consider the 789 to be neutral. Was looking into the a90 but it’s a little expensive for my budget. Apparently a topping designer confirmed that the A90 wont work with certain dacs. Quite often the the Asgard 3 sounds like a SIDEgrade from the Schiit Heresy with many songs. G. For me, the A90 had a slightly harsh / grating sound, with a partially closed in presentation. However, I am now looking into an Asgard 3 or SP 200. 7k Ohm for XLR output and half and 1. the A90; vocal sibilance is obviously reduced. The Focal's are really revealing headphones and the Asgard 3 works well with them. And really liked what i discovered. thing is, for the cost, the E10K really punches very hard above it's weight and if all you ever wanted was an amp/dac that can power a semi-decent set of Jun 16, 2024 · Summary: Topping A30 Pro vs Schiit Asgard 3. Jun 21, 2022 · Qudelix 5K Bluetooth USB LDAC AptX Adaptive Portable DAC/Amp, Moondrop Dawn 4. Vocals on the A90 sounds more forward, brighter, but bass on Burson sounds a little bit stronger. Also if you find A90 top end annoying, then definitely Soloist will benefit - making the already smooth Arya even smoother. I consider Schiit Asgard 3 to be the opposite of the 789: warm, soft/relaxed, and dark (but with upper-mid emphasis and very good I read a review on audiosciencereview saying that it's better to pair the su-9 with an amp that has input impedance above 3. However after the first few hours, I am not feeling one is superior to the other, but that people may have their own preferences. I was keen to see whether the characteristics of the Multibit-equipped Bifrost could be achieved in the streamlined all-in-one form-factor of the Multibit DAC-card equipped Asgard 3. Even discrete asgard 3 surprisingly measure clean. Not as mature as A90 or Singxer in term of soundstage and detail, however the bass punch harder on little topping. The A30Pro and A90 drive them effortless with spare headroom. The punch would add definition and clarity to drums and pretty much everything in the bass range. SIngxer SA-1 2. Feb 6, 2018 · At the same time, neither Magni 3+ nor Asgard 3 perform objectively bad enough to cause such terrible sound though. i went from a E10K to a schiit stack last fall and i'd say it was definitely a significant step up in listening experience. Schiit Lyr+. The G111 strikes a better balance between being voltage and current limited leading to a somewhat even power curve. 5mm, Topping D10 Balanced DAC (Dual Sabre ESS), SMSL D-6 Balanced DAC (Dual AKM), Topping A90 Discrete Balanced Headphone Amplifier, CCA BTX AptX Adaptive Bluetooth IEM Ear Hook Module, Moondrop Little White Bluetooth Neckband, Moondrop Title says it all. Soundstage: 1. The more stuff I listened to, the more I realized gear just sounds different. I owned/had the original A90 and the Monolith '887 side by side (I liked the '887 better - more linear and more open treble) and quickly sent them both back after comparing them to my resistor bypassed Emotiva A-100 and Schiit Magni 3+ (with HFM Arya v2's and Anandas). And its headphone amp output is already nearly top notch. Assuming the a50s preforms similarly to the a90, personally I would rather go magnius modius here mainly because I think the schiit is slightly more organic and has more control but really they are fairly similar in the end and if you care about how they measure both won’t let you down there (keep in mind both are focusing higher Jun 21, 2022 · If you live in the UK the A90 Discrete is 20% more expensive than the Mojo2, in the USA the Mojo2 is 25% more expensive than the A90. Apr 16, 2013 · Seems to sound better than A90, but with a little less soundstage. The jot is already a little steep. For the HD6xx, L30 will suffice :D I use my L30 with this headphone, too. Does it sound better than a Jot 2 and A3, also? The power from it is nuts, so it's just a matter of sound quality, and design issues. It's a pretty good amp for its price, driving my LSA HP2 headphones (got these from Underwood HIFI several years ago--I think they're made by Kennerton), delivering decent bass and excellent Feb 14, 2021 · In case above about Topping (A30Pro, A90) and Singxer SA-1, not everything is equal. The THX 789 was the eye opener for me. I would say it's fairly clinical, clean, cold, sterile, etc. For the name of the topic: A30 pro is direct upgrade from Asgard 3, huge step. Jul 6, 2020 · However, the A90 is a more versatile all-rounder in terms of its balanced inputs/outputs, and it does present a more vivid, neutral picture than the slightly coloured Asgard 3, which has a more laid-back presentation by comparison. Jun 12, 2021 · Topping A30pro vs A90. The Schiit Jotunheim 2 will have more resolution over the Schiit Asgard 3. Apr 13, 2021 · I heard that there is an issues with the A90 design, with it’s really low input impedance. I don't know what is the effects of this but it makes me a little bit hestiated about getting the su-9. JDS El Stack, K5 pro, Topping L30, all sound closer to each other. SMSL SU-9 Pro Topping A90 Discrete Topping LA90 AB They all have a proper ESD and DC protection. So does the Chord Mojo. . Thread starter Bow_Wazoo; Start date Jan 20, 2023; Bow_Wazoo Addicted to Fun and Learning. I genuinely think it is worse and lower preforming in this regard compared to the asgard, but yes I haven’t tried it with the p50 which will change things Correct, I think it’s a higher level of transparency from my experience. Most impact goes to Jotunheim, while A90 and SA-1 share the same result. In other words, the soundstage may be flat and it may sound un-dynamic. This will be my first amp. But build quality a little bit weak, switches move to different sides, volume pot feels weak, not like absolute garbage, but i think you should carefully use it. Oct 23, 2018 · Atom produces 250 milliwatts whereas Asgard 3 goes up to 650 milliwatts or nearly three times as much. Everyone loves quality of life improvements, but no one likes having to hack through a jungle of specs. If you are planning on driving your headphones via balanced out, then get the A90. be/FWj5StWc2FMPart 3: https://youtu. I just placed an order for Aeon Closed X as my first higher end headphone Sep 25, 2022 · Output of your DAC could be “too high”. eww Schiit Audio’s $199 Asgard 3 looks every bit the aesthetic and philosophical opposite of the tiny L30 – it’s a big, brash lump of Class A/B-powered American muscle, capable of a whole five watts of power compared to the three-and-a-half of the L30. Sep 8, 2023 · Would a Topping A90 or A90D be a significant upgrade from the A30 Pro? Have been thinking about upgrading my headphone amp, which is a Topping A30 Pro. be/Nr1TkprgldIPart 4: TBA=====If you like these v yes but a AAA 789 doesnt sound the same as a topping a90. Mar 2, 2015 · Schiit Asgard 3 has a more "musical" sound signature but doesn't measure nearly as well as the Topping. Why spend 500 bucks on a Topping A90 when you can get something that you think will sound the same for 200 (and get a 5 year warranty to boot). Transparency to me Jun 20, 2022 · The upgrading of a classic is an exciting but potentially confusing event. Jun 21, 2022 · Paradigm Studio 40 V. Jun 20, 2022 · The upgrading of a classic is an exciting but potentially confusing event. I think the JDS El Amp II, K5 Pro, Topping L30, and Singxer SA-1 are closer to neutral. While Topping’s $499 USD A90 comes in a fraction cheaper than the Playmate 2, it is a straight-up analogue amplifier and doesn’t pack an onboard DAC nor many of the Burson’s features – you’re going to need to plug it into a source to make music ‘go’. Apr 1, 2019 · The Topping D70 Pro + A70 Pro stack cost about the same as my RME ADI-2 DAC FS, but for sure won't replace the ADI-2 DAC as that one has a number of features that I use (like dynamic loudness, tone controls, PEQ, slow volume ramp up on power on/change output, for instance). I haven't even thought about looking for another headphone amp once I started using the Asgard 3. 1 of 2 Go to page. It is capable of producing a clean, powerful output but is on par with the L70 in that particular aspect since there only seems to be a small 100mW difference in the maximum output Jul 15, 2020 · Recent chip-based amps ALL measure superb. The downside of the tpa6120 is max -/+15v supply voltage vs thx -/+18v and heresy's -/+17v. I know they use the tpa6120 paralleled for output with global feedback with another opamp to eliminate the output impedance problem. nothing to hate anything about the topping a90 but just wondering how the hd 600 would sound with topping a90 since I have neither of the had 600 nor the ifi zen signature amp dac. Jul 31, 2022 · 1c. Thread starter Gurra1980; Start date Apr 26, 2021; 1; 2; Next. IMO, Arya is a great HP. M. Dec 18, 2020 · I have recently bought an Topping A90, and have struggled a little with noise through my USB with an D10s dac. The design is a hybrid current drive amplifier so it works equally well with headphones with a high current demand and those with a larger voltage demand. Larger supply voltage translates to wide max amplitude. I’ve ran into issues with my SMSL Sanskrit and Asgard 3, had to set the volume offset of the Sanskrit to -10 in order for loud bass tones to not cause distortion. Stuck between the schiit jotunheim 2, Asgard 3, and topping a30 pro. Then there are DACs. com Jul 30, 2020 · I think the A90 just lacks the electrical current capacity. Even with one on top of the other, it still makes for a relatively compact pair that’s considerably more svelte than the corresponding Schiit Audio Asgard 3/Bifrost 2 stack. Aug 10, 2018 · A30 is an older Topping product. They even got rid of the massive power brick that plagued the L30 and 50. Gurra1980 Member. The impedance is 250 ohms, which - on paper - sounds like a bear to amp, but I can comfortably run it off my MacBook Pro (though it'll take everything I got and ask for more). Feb 13, 2023 · The A90 is the top-tier Topping headphone amplifier that has a similar array of NFCA modules which is capable of a fraction of a performance increase over the L70. Leaning towards the topping because I don’t really want to wait 4-6 weeks for the Schiit modi to be shipped but if it’s overwhelmingly favored towards the Schiit stack then I might consider waiting. SE only it would be the Asgard or the Heresy for pure power specs. Feb 16, 2021 · I have not tried the most up to date modern stack, I’ve tried the d50s + a50s, and I’ve tried the d50s+a50+p50, but not the d50s+a50s+p50. The Topping A30 Pro and Schiit Asgard 3 are both excellent headphone amplifiers. First of all, let me remind you that a remote control and a relay-based volume control are major improvements that made A90D a strong candidate for the last preamp that you will I have heard Arya v2 before. The Modius is the dac to get if you want balanced XLR outputs and dont care about bluetooth, dsd, mqa, or remotes. The simplest description is that the Burson is warmer vs. The noise was all gone, with music on pause, and volume at max on high gain. Jan 9, 2021 · Just curious if anyone has had any experience with the Asgard 3 and other SE amps like the Heresy, Liquid Spark, Atom, L30 and can definitively claim that there is a noticeable difference. Joined Jan 17, 2021 Jun 27, 2022 · The THX/IC vs Discrete divide - is a gulf, IMO. The A90 is fed vía balanced by the MA X-SABRE 3 and the A30Pro via balanced by the MA mini-i Pro 3. As for amps, I have a Topping A30Pro, Topping A90 and Matrix Audio mini-i Pro 3. Joined Apr 4, 2021 I do find the a90 easier to listen to and less prone to harshness with my arya and elegia with certain recordings. Schiit Jotunheim 2 asgard 3 and ur d50 Used A90 vs new DX3 Pro+ TOPPING DX3 PRO DAC + TOPPING PA3s Amplifier with R-41M Klipsch upvote The DT1990 is easy to power. Schiit modi and magni vs topping d10s and L30. Should I just save up for a Topping A90+D90/DX7 Pro to Oct 28, 2020 · IEM users might bemoan the lack of a 2. See full list on headfonics. Jan 6, 2021 · hybrid tube amp like the Asgard 3. The L30 offers 3 gain stages and can function as a preamplifier as well. I feel that the Amp can be the best place to start and Aug 22, 2020 · Other notable features are the fact that the L30 is built around the same amplifier technology found in Topping’s top-of-the-line (top of Topping’s line, that is) A90 amplifier. Bifrost vs Asgard 3 Multibit. This includes $79-99 ones (Atom / Heresy). We’ve created this comparison chart to help you quickly and easily judge the differences between the classic A90 and the upgraded A90 Discret Aug 14, 2021 · My guess is Topping Copy-Pasted the same +12/-12V power supply from all their products in there. How much better is the Asgard 3 that is stacked with a Modius versus the Heresy stacked with a Modi 3? Is the difference that much better? I'll be using the stack with a DT 1990 Pro and Moondrop Blessing 2 and will be planning to get an LCD-2 Classic or LCD-X in the future or even better. 5mm adapter) and 3. audio/collections/bra Nov 23, 2020 · I am currently comparing a Zen Can with a Topping L30 connected to a Topping E30 DAC. Yet many seem to prefer the sound of the Asgard 3 over something more "neutral". Topping A90 Headphone Amplifier Review, The Best Reference Headphone Amp under $500? TOPPING A90 Headphone Amp Apos Audio: https://apos. If you want to go higher, try dx7pro+ or d90+a90. A30 pro doesn’t have Topping sound signature, i compared A30 pro directly to A90, A30 pro is the different thing. Nov 25, 2018 · Topping just released their top of the line headphone amp of the L family and the specs are insanely good: fully balanced, a tad more power than the A90 in all impedances except 16ohms, relay knob. Feel free to add more info in comments regarding those Apr 1, 2021 · I am getting an Asgard 3 really soon and trying to pick the best DAC (and headphones) to go with it, so here are my two options: - Getting a Bifrost 1 Multibit Gen 5 for 380€ (usd445) but keeping my DT990 (which I think will give me a headache pretty quickly) - Getting a Modi 3+ and a Hifiman Sundara for 370€ (usd434). There is an A30 Pro coming which will have more power than L30 and more power than 6. The Asgard 3 is very nice but it is barely discernible if at all from the others. Apr 4, 2021 · Topping A30pro vs A90. It made music at times unenjoyable. Actually i did not expect that sound level from topping device. 3 k for RCA and the a90 is 10k for RCA and 2k for XLR. Jun 21, 2022 · I owned/had the original A90 and the Monolith '887 side by side (I liked the '887 better - more linear and more open treble) and quickly sent them both back after comparing them to my resistor bypassed Emotiva A-100 and Schiit Magni 3+ (with HFM Arya v2's and Anandas). *Headphones: Sundara, SennHD590, Grado, SR 325, Sony MDR 1A *Music Genre: Progressive Rock/Metal/Classic Rock/Female Vocals… I have been searching reviews and such for some time. Feb 22, 2021 · I own both and to my ears both sound the same. Dec 16, 2020 · Any impressions of Jot 2 vs Magnius or Topping A90 Discrete? Recently upgraded to the A90D and the sound is super smooth which is great for instrumental music, but miss the dynamics and more forward presentation of the Magnius for pop and electronic music. Both three amps render bass texture nicely, deep down to sub bass level. I think the Asgard 3 is another amp that sounds quite different from other stuff I've tried. I was thinking of a headphone amp as I have a pair of MrSpeakers Aeon collecting dust, but bought a pair of Sennheiser wireless headphones in an airport a few weeks ago for $100 and now realise why wireless have gone from 17% to about 90% of the headphone market Dec 16, 2020 · Next, I own the Schiit Jotunheim 2 and Schiit Asgard 3. The SP 200 is not balanced but does have the XLR just not sure about its power. If only Topping made an "A180" with larger capacitors for added electrical current capacity. The iFi Black Label crushes it. I had an Asgard 2 before and prefer the Asgard 3. 4mm (with 2. Topping a90 + d90s for Moondrop Blessing May 2, 2022 · If I went with the A90 I can see eventually adding a Topping DAC and letting go of the M-DAC. A90 Discrete Headphone Amplifier-TOPPING Jun 21, 2022 · Hi all, I asked SMSL and Topping for my own needs about some products since their documentation wasn't clear to me and got answers from them. I am using it with my focal clear, hd560, dt1990 and edition xs and it works perfectly. Atom is wonderful and great value at $99 but there are different reasons for it existing beside Asgard 3. The Asgard 3 is a better choice if you’re looking for a warmer sound signature and a more retro design. This is all assuming you want to hit 120 dB peaks, which is in itself an overkill metric since it would be far more responsible to listen at 80-something dB with 105 dB peaks. 5mm, Topping D10 Balanced DAC (Dual Sabre ESS), SMSL D-6 Balanced DAC (Dual AKM), Topping A90 Discrete Balanced Headphone Amplifier, CCA BTX AptX Adaptive Bluetooth IEM Ear Hook Module, Moondrop Little White Bluetooth Neckband, Moondrop IC opamp based: **OG Topping A90, **Monolith '887, and Schiit Magnius; **(I returned them pretty quickly, except I kept the Magnius to use for backup because it's cheap) Discrete Class AB: Emotiva A-100, Schiit Magni 3+; Discrete Class A: Gustard H20; Jan 4, 2021 · M300 has the better DAC chip and more features but is slightly more expensive and the formfactor is different so it doesn't stack very well with the Asgard 3 Modius stacks really well with the Asgard but has a lower tier DAC chip and micro USB-B. Next Last. Dec 22, 2021 · Solid State Showdown Series:Part 1: ← you are herePart 2: https://youtu. You could also go for something such as the magnius/modius stack or even asgard/modius, both of which would be much greater value than element. Apr 13, 2021 · Playmate 2 vs Topping A90. The DCA Noire's are the more power hungry headphones I own and even the mini-i Pro 3 struggles a bit if I want to play them loud. 4mm Pentaconn is a statement of intent that the A90 is intended to be a future-facing piece of equipment, and also one that the owner can hang onto for a long, long, time in terms of its power and versatility. Would be odd for a Topping DAC to not play well with a Topping amp though. It’s also a very different sort of device from a Hi friend. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. The Asgard 3 also has a metal case that stays put and has built-in transformer rather than a big chunk externally. why is this? they both measure "inaudible" . Like them both as they would serve me well for now as I only have SE gear. Fiio k5 pro is just as good (I own it aswell). In blind testing I’ve done no one I’ve had listen has been able to tell. Topping and other chip amps may not do Arya justice. 4mm/XLR output A90. They'll play loud enough but may lack the 3 dimensionality that the Arya can reproduce. audio/products/topping-a90-headphone-amp?_pos=1&_sid=53b41b4f0&_ss=r&&sca_ref=476690. One thing i wish it has more sub-bass in comparison to Sound wise, I found that it fixed everything that was wrong with the A90. LeLqamn4OBHeadphones Tested OnArya - htt Jan 24, 2021 · My most recent and the one I spent most of the time comparing the Jotunheim 2 was to the Topping A90, which is priced at $499 (vs $399 for the Jot2). For those, you should look at a THX 789, Topping A90, Schiit Magnius, or some other amp that can deliver 4-5W into 32 ohm. Schiit Modius/Magnius for 400$ or Schiit Asgard 3/ Modius for 450$ and a 120$ Qudelix 5K or iFi GO Blu for portable use. Asgard 3 is solid state. and its not distortion either. -which wedding do you recommend?-SMSL M400 MQA or Topping D90 MQA?-The much higher output impedance about 1. I think both are really good amps and are really close performance wise. im sure there is some measurement that explains it but its basically proof that we cant correlate the common measurements into absolute sound quality. Starting with the Objective and moving on to the Atom, THX amps, Schiit Magni 3/Asgard 3, and others like the Topping A90, it's super easy to find an audibly transparent and powerful headphone amplifier for not much money at all. Aug 15, 2021 · A30 pro is currently mo own unbeaten choice, i was surprised that i prefer topping product over all others. So does the Topping A90. This one was a very interesting match-up. Topping A90 3. I don't currently have requirement for IEM or balanced in/out. With that being said, the Topping A90 is an absolute steal for the price. Heard great things about the Asgard 3's sound signature and L50's reviews are also pretty good being compared to A90's sound. While it isn’t exactly a warm-sounding amplifier in terms of boosting the mid-bass and rounding off notes, it certainly isn’t a sterile-sounding one either – there’s more layering and tonal mass going on here compared to the more stark-sounding Topping A90, which is perhaps the most logical competitor to the Jotunheim 2 for those in the I'm torn between L50 vs Asgard 3. Otherwise the A30Pro would give you more power. its not just about clean power. Anyway my impression so far: In general, A30Pro is Topping Amp that try to become musical, punchy and really fun for pop/rock songs. If I went for the JDS I would also probably add the EL DAC II, although would have to keep the M-DAC due to the limited outputs and lack of remote for the JDS. The past few years have seen a revolution in headphone amplification. Jan 3, 2021 · Topping A90D vs. Go. I sold my $500 Rupert Neve amp because I liked the $200 Asgard better. I don't see any value to add a preamp and headphone amp to the dx3pro+. Since the A90 is literally the cleanest measuring amp on the market, it is a great benchmark and should represent any DAC plugged into it with unbiased clarity. I myself have an Asgard 3, Magnius, and topping ex5 dac amp right now but have also owned a magni heresy, sp200. These two are likely to get a lot of comparisons, so it seems like the perfect compliment and contrast to discuss here. kykgz xsbw cezht qxtrnpf cfxt amhptdpk lwti qqtlvo ddkqylc ybnp zepvr hfmjs qbipf grzsqg cax