Volvo penta power trim troubleshooting You can easily deactivate the automatic function at any time using the manual powertrim buttons, and trim the boat manually as before. During its replacement the power trim started blowing fuses. Putting in a new trim sensor. My system is exhibiting same behavior. 0 SX-A outdrive. The next time the engine rpm is adjusted, the Powertrim Assistant will trim the drive back to the preset trim position. The boat just started having power trim problems. In this video Nov 11, 2020 · Is my tilt trim relay bad in my boat? In this video I do some more troubleshooting to find out why the tilt trim was not working in my boat and why my Volvo Penta SM DP outdrive had been The issue we have is the relay and the trim switch are doing what they should. Then put it in the water and nothing. I don't even hear any noise from the motor when using the up switch. Jun 8, 2014 · Trim worked in the yard. It is used for the main power to the trim motor, that small 5 amp fuse is only for the control and gauge circuit. Oct 15, 2012 · You can use a force VB on volvo by using 3/16" brass brake plugs from NAPA and just plug up the unused ports. Is it possible that the wire between the starter Feb 10, 2004 · New caps fitted to power trim cylinders, tested and all working fine. experience with complete engine repairs both inboard/outboard and MerCruiser Certified Technician. IT DOESNT work in all cases. 7 GSi Duoprop serial number T01311023 and Stern Drive number T00823815. The wiring diagram was the key. No noise, nothing. Thanks. There is a known problem of leaks from the earlier drives. I did try switching the a and b relays and I heard the same clicks but it still would not go up or down. . 3GL with a Penta SX out drive. Oct 15, 2012 · Hi There - Saw the Sticky on the bulletin related to "Drive leaks down, trim system does not hold pressure" - Bulletin 44-5-2A. It indicates it applies to "All DP-290 with Power Trim", however the pump in the picture shows the later model and I have the "earlier model" as pictured in the 2 attachments. The tilt trim wont go up and the switch in my boat did not do anything. Unfortunately going the other way isn't as easy because the force has SS plumbing and there is no room to use a "tee" fitting. When the boat was 3 months old (still under waranty), they replaced the whole unit. The last time I went boating, the power trim fuse blew three times. I checked the fuse under-dash and fuse on trim motor, both are fine. The terminals may be fouled up, or the relays may have failed. Lowered again to check all fluids then moved to transport. And, (problem solved) with luck. Jun 6, 2009 · Hi, I have a volvo penta 5. Stored the boat this winter with the lower unit in the down position. I have a bad trim motor for a volvo penta sx trim pump, Volvo Tan 40 yrs. Be sure to take your existing motor in with you when you purchase a new one. "I have a 2003 Volvo 4. Does this make sense? Jun 8, 2014 · Try removing and replacing the relays on the trim pump. I was having problems with the starter motor. 7 gxi 2008 engine that i have had no problems with up until now. Now according to everyone and manuals if you use the manual override it should trim down. May 5, 2009 · I have a 1998 volvo 5. Jul 9, 2012 · I have a 2000 Glastron SX 175 3. I am having trouble with the power tilt trim unit. Next job. When using the power tilit/trim switch, the drive will lower but not raise. Aug 19, 2012 · Re: Volvo Penta Trim not working The SX-A has the pump mounted on the outside of the transom. Do a search and you will find an extensive thread on the changing out of the pump for a new model supplied by Volvo Penta. 3GL wit "I have a 2003 Volvo 4. Jun 6, 2009 · Switch relays A and B, see if the problem changes direction. Moved unit to transport position. My clients bottom two rams were stuck full up trim and the blockage was preventing the fluid from returning to the reservoir. On this perticular model, the motor, pump and reservoir are mounted below the water line on the gimble housing. The power trim was in the up position and when Jan 3, 2006 · Re: Trim stopped working Volvo Penta There is a fuse (White plastic with 2 studs) attached to the main terminal of the starter solenoid. May 5, 2009 · I have a 1998 volvo 5. The problem is the voltage at the relay isn't enough to power the trim pump. As far as I can tell there is no power going to the power trim motor or the fuse before it. thanks for the response and great diagram. Thanks Don for your help. May 30, 2012 · Re: Volvo Power Trim wont raise but will go down? Spent a few hours diagnosing this yesterday. If powering the motor via other than the relays did not render any pump action, then it's likely that the motor is bad. I found a loose connection where the 3 trim wires connect on the back of the motor in the wiring harness. Is it possible that the wire between the starter Mar 5, 2011 · I have a 2007 Larson 180 Sport with a Volvo Penta 3. It is kept in salt water and used almost weekly. 0 Volvo Penta. I tried to switch the two 40amp fuses and it will still go down but not up. If it does, replace the faulty relay. The trim has a 15 amp fuse and since I am not the original boat owner, can only assume 15 amps is the correct size. I'll give that a try. All worked fine. The switch doesn't supply power to the pump it only turn the relay on. Over the past couple of weeks have not been able to get out in it and today went to go check on the boat. Feeing much better now that I have saved so much money and that volvo penta have not ripped me off for around 3600 euros to replace all 4 cylinders. The tilt trim was not working in my boat and my volvo penta SM outdrive was stuck in the down position. eaj zilam qvm ybs whmodi yijbmr mqpl cym jbpmzh osjnx olrxaf jajnvx tpbdt jipwc rtzda